How many women (out of 4) will experience domestic violence in their lifetime?
What is 1 in 4
Being overweight, physical inactivity, alcohol consumption and the use of MHT are called
Potentially modifiable risk factors for breast cancer?
True or False: Most DV cases aren’t reported
What is True
What age range do women become the greatest risks of becoming victims of DV?
What is 20-24
How many women per year are diagnosed with breast cancer?
What is 190,000 women per year.
What demographic is most likely to get breast cancer?
What is Caucasian
In 2022, how many women were killed worldwide as a result of DV by a partner or family member
What is 48,800 women and girls
How many children a year witness DV in their homes?
What is 3 million
What kind of therapy helps with decreasing the risk for breast cancer?
What is hormone replacement therapy?