Breast Cancer Basics
Breast Cancer Statistics
Breast Cancer Awareness
Treatment and Support
Random Facts

What is the most common type of cancer diagnosed in women in the United States?

What is Breast Cancer


Approximately how many women in the U.S. will be diagnosed with breast cancer this year?

What is 300,000?


What month is designated as Breast Cancer Awareness Month?

What is October?


This common treatment uses high-energy waves to kill cancer cells and shrink tumors.

What is radiation therapy?


This age group is generally recommended to start annual mammograms, according to many health organizations.

What is age 40?


Name the stage of breast cancer where it has spread to nearby lymph nodes but not to distant parts of the body.

What is Stage II?


What percentage of breast cancer cases are found in men?

What is about 1%?


This iconic symbol is often worn during Breast Cancer Awareness Month to promote awareness.

What is the pink ribbon?


This type of surgery involves the removal of the entire breast and is sometimes done to treat comprehensive cancers.

What is a mastectomy?


This is the most common type of breast cancer found in women.

What is invasive ductal carcinoma?


This term describes the use of X-rays to take pictures of the breast to detect cancer.

What is a mammogram?


The survival rate for breast cancer has increased to about this percentage due to advancements in treatment.

What is 90%?


Name a community event that often takes place during October to raise funds for breast cancer research and awareness.

What is a charity walk or run (such as the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure)?


Name one of the common side effects of chemotherapy.

What is hair loss?


Each year, millions of people switch to this color to symbolize awareness of breast cancer during October.

What is pink?


This lifestyle choice is known to increase the risk of developing breast cancer.

What is smoking?


This demographic group has the highest occurrence of breast cancer mortality in the United States.

What is African American women?


This governmental organization provides resources and support for breast cancer awareness and research, often highlighted in October.

What is the American Cancer Society?


These support networks often provide resources, emotional support, and connections for individuals dealing with breast cancer.

What are support groups?


Being educated about the signs and symptoms of breast cancer, including this significant warning sign, is vital for self-advocacy.

What is a lump or mass?


What is the name of the gene commonly associated with an increased risk of breast cancer when mutated?

What is BRCA1 or BRCA2?


This country has the highest recorded rates of breast cancer in the world.

What is Belgium?


This famous actress and activist significantly raised awareness about breast cancer after her public battle with the disease in the early 2000s.

Who is Angelina Jolie?


This medication can reduce the risk of breast cancer in women with a family history of the disease.

What is Tamoxifen?


Approximately 1 in this many women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime in the United States.

What is 8?