List a benefit of breastfeeding for baby.
Perfect nutrition, easy to digest, antibodies. Reduces risk of SIDS, obesity, allergies.
Name 1 hunger cue. Name 1 fullness cue.
Hunger: whimpers, smacks lips, opens mouth, sucking motions, pulls arms or legs towards tummy, wakes up & alert, moves hands/fists to mouth, rubs face on breast
Fullness: breasts soft/empty, falls asleep/stops sucking, relaxes hands/body, turns away from breast
What should moms do if they are having issues latching baby?
Ask for help! Call your WIC BF experts :)
Name 1 reason moms might need a breast pump
What should mom do when baby is going through a growth spurt?
Breastfeed on demand and often.
List a benefit of breastfeeding for mom.
Reduces risk of breast or ovarian cancer. Helps mom lose weight after having baby. Reduces risk of osteoporosis, arthritis, lupus, endometriosis.
What is hand expressing? Give a quick demo on how to do it.
Use hands to get milk out of the breast.
Put fingers & thumb on breast, gently squeeze, move fingers around.
T or F sore or cracked nipples is usually a sign that baby is not latching correctly.
T or F Utah employers need to provide women who are breastfeeding reasonable breaks and a private space (more than a bathroom) to pump or breastfeed up until 1 year after baby's birth.
What are things mom can do while breastfeeding & sick with a cold?
Continue to breastfeed!
Wash hands often. Cover nose & mouth when coughing or sneezing. Wearing a mask if she needs to.
How long does the AAP recommend moms breastfeed for exclusively? And for how long total?
6 months; 2 years or longer
How often should breastfeeding babies eat?
8-12x in 24 hours or every 1.5-3 hours
How should the nipple look if baby latched on correctly?
Same coming out as it came in.
How long should mom wait to introduce the bottle to the baby?
3-4 weeks
How many calories does a breastfeeding mom need extra per day?
Name at least 3 nutrients that breastmilk has that formula does not.
antibodies, proteins, white blood cells, enzymes, stem cells, probiotics/prebiotics, hormones, anti-viruses, anti-allergies, growth factors
5 to 7 ml, 1 to 1.5 tsp, cherry
Demonstrate 2 different breastfeeding positions.
Up to 4 hours, 4 days, 6 mos.
What are some things a family member, partner, or friend can do for a breastfeeding mom?
Help with household chores, groceries, chopping, clean/laundry, taking care of other children.
Helping with caring for baby: bathing, diaper changes, burping, comforting/soothing baby.
Name a benefit of breastfeeding past age 1?
Perfect nutrition that helps them grow. Get sick less often. Good bonding with child. Reduces risks of many diseases for mom.
Give 3 tips to do to help sleepy baby stay awake at the breast.
Good latch, BF just in the diaper, rub while they're BF, tickle their feet, move their arms to their face, rub a cool wet cloth on their skin, put baby skin to skin, gently squeeze & massage breasts, burp in between, change diaper, etc.
What does a good latch look like? How should baby be positioned in terms of their body w/ yours, how should their lips, chin, cheeks, and mouth look like? How much of the areola should be in their mouth?
What does power pumping look like? What is it useful for?
Pump 20 mins, 10 min rest, pump 10 min, 10 min rest, pump 10 min.
Helps increase milk supply if worried baby is not getting enough at the breast.
Explain how paced-bottle feeding looks like.