Breastfeeding Facts
Breastfeeding Myths
Breastfeeding Benefits

What is the recommended length of time for exclusive breastfeeding?

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends exclusive breastfeeding for 6 months, followed by breastfeeding in combination with the introduction of complementary foods until at least 12 months of age, and continuation of breastfeeding for as long as mutually desired by mother and baby.


True or False:

All mothers can breastfeed their babies no matter what. 

False. While MOST people are able to breastfeed, a small percentage of women are not able to produce a full supply of milk


What kinds of illnesses does breastfeeding help protect baby from? 

Allergies and Asthma

Ear and respiratory infections






How long does it take for milk to come in?

3-5 days! Until then baby is getting colostrum which is the perfect nutrition for your new baby!


I will not have enough breastmilk to feed my baby because my mother did not have enough. True or False 

*False* There is no genetic component to your ability to produce milk!


How does breastfeeding save time? 

Do not need to prepare or wash bottles


Aproximately how many calories does breastfeeding burn per day?

Exclusive breastfeeding may burn up to 500 calories per day


Women with small breasts produce less milk than those with large breasts.

True or false?


The size of one's breasts is not associated with one’s milk supply.


How does breastfeeding benefit the mother?

Increased bonding with infant

Increased calorie expenditure

Easy to prepare and carry

Saves Money

Helps the uterus to contact after delivery

May help prevent breast or ovarian cancer

Decreased bleeding after delivery


How does a baby's diaper smell after having a bowel movement? 

Rose petals :) Just kidding but some people think it may smell like buttered popcorn!


Name a myth that people have about breastfeeding?

Mother's anger or nervousness makes milk "bad"

Breast are to small to breastfeed

Breastfeeding is painful

Mother must have a perfect diet to breastfeed


True or False: Breastfeeding will hurt at first 

False. Breastfeeding SHOULD NOT hurt if your baby is latching correctly even at first. If you are experiencing pain consult with a lactation consultant.


What is colostrum? 

Liquid Gold 

Clear or yellow

Higher in protein

Lower in fat


True or False:

If I formula feed my baby I won't be able to bond the same way as a breastfed baby.  



True or False: One important health benefit of breastfeeding is prevention of obesity.


The greatest protection is seen when breastfeeding is exclusive and continues for more than three months.