What rank did Brent achieve in scouting?
What is Eagle Scout
Where did Brent attend K-12? (Full name only)
What is Villa Madonna Academy
What club/sport did Brent participate in all 4 years at NKU?
What is Climbing Club?
What is Brent's favorite game?
What is RL?
Name Brent's siblings (2):
Who are Caleb and Amanda?
Most recently what state west of the Mississippi did Brent go on a trip to with his childhood scout troop?
What is Colorado?
Who was Brent's 3rd grade teacher? (2 answers correct, only 1 needed)
Who is Sally Neff or Bridget Schleper?
Name all degrees Brent has earned:
What is MBA and BS Computer Science?
What was Brent's first game system?
What is GameCube?
What restuarant did Brent break up with his short term girlfriend in for "being a bad kisser"?
What is Hot Heads Burritos?
What was Brent's Eagle Scout Project, which is still used today?
What is Podiums?
Give the first name of the person(s) Brent took to Prom?
Who is Emma?
What class did Brent withdraw from and have to take again?
What is Calc 2
Who is Brent's main in Mario Party 7?
Who is Dry Bones?
What is Brent's APY on his house (within .25%)?
What is 2.75%?
What was the movie theme of Brent's SPL week of NYLT in 2017?
What is Lego?
In what grade did Brent break both his tibia and fibula?
What is 6th grade?
For what organization did Brent do data prep for in undergrad?
What is NASA?
With the character Roadhog in Overwatch 2 in the 604 hours in the game what is his alltime hook accuracy? (Within 5%)
What is 54%?
What is the date of Brent and Casey's anniversary (within 5 days)?
What is May 18th?
What color patrol did Brent lose in the woods when he was in charge of a NYLT week?
What is Green?
What (to the first decimal and unweighted) was Brents Highschool GPA?
What is 3.5?
How long did it take Brent to obtain his masters (in months)?
What is 22 months
How many games does Brent have in his Steam library (within 5 games)?
What is 106 games?
What was the last book Brent read cover to cover was?
What is Night by Elie Wiesel?