Fill in the Blank A
Fill in the Blank B
Fill in the Blank C
Fill in the Blank D
The second time that Brian heard the "popping sound" what did he see on the lake?
What is a straight line.
Why was Brian hesitant about getting on the bush plane to go back home?
What is he loved the wilderness.
Even though it was getting colder outside, Brian ignored what?
What is the signs that winter was coming.
What did Brian do the day of the first big snowfall? cut a hole in the ice and lost his hatchet or killed a moose with his war bow
What is killed a moose with his war bow.
What else beside the straight line did Brian see in the snow?
What is a wolf track.
What did the vocabulary word lethargy mean?
What is tired.
What did Brian remember seeing at Pinter's Sporting Good Store?
What is a collection of arrowheads.
How did Brian use the small clumps of bright red berries? used them for a Thanksgiving sauce or used them for catching carp
What is used them for a Thanksgiving sauce
Where did the trail lead Brian while he was following the line?
What is to a cabin.
What did the vocabulary word elated mean?
What is happy or filled with joy.
What did Brian use the rabbit skins he saved - sewed them together to make a vest or laid them in his sleeping bag for softness.
What is sewed them together for a vest.
After watching a rabbit - Brian got the idea that he could - find his way back to camp by following tracks or make snowshoes to stay on top of the snow
What is make snowshoes
Why did the Cree family, the Smallhorns, live in the wilderness?
What is they trapped animals.
What did the vocabulary word carcass mean?
What is the body of a dead animal.
After hearing the wolves, Brian decided to tie the moose meat to a near by tree or mark his territory by peeing.
What is mark his territory by peeing.
What happened why Brian was watching the bull moose? it fell through the thin ice and drowned wolves ate it while it was still alive
What is wolves ate it while it was still alive
Why did David say he had left Brian alone.
What is he thought he was also a trapper.
What did the vocabulary word accumulated mean?
What is to gather or pile up.
How was Brian saved during the bear attack?
What is the skunk sprayed the bear in the face.
From the top of the ridge - what did Brian see? a snow mobile heading east or a straight line in the middle of the lake
What is a straight line in the middle of the lake.