a person who can fly an airplane
very big
a person working at a museum
a video that gives facts on something or someone
When Grant was 8, his brother was half his age. Now, Grant is 14. How old is his brother?
His brother is 10. Half of 8 is 4, so Grant’s brother is 4 years younger. This means when Grant is 14, his brother is still 4 years younger, so he’s 10.
papers or a card that says it's okay to do something
to move from side to side
something wrong
almost the same
What 2 things can you never eat for breakfast?
Lunch and dinner.
something used for travel
a craft that can go underwater
not an accident
on purpose
having a close connection
It’s raining at midnight, but the forecast for tomorrow and the next day is clear. Will there be sunny weather in 48 hours?
No, it won’t be sunny because it will be dark out. In 48 hours, it will be midnight again.
to leave the ground
take off
new or original
relating to things or beliefs of the past
to create or invent something
make up
How many months of the year have 28 days?
All of them! Every month has *at least* 28 days.
to bend in order to close
fold up
an animal or machine that takes you from one place to another
to work on one type of thing
focus on
to be excited about something in the future
look forward to
There are 3 apples in the basket and you take away 2. How many apples do you have now?
You have 2 apples. You took away 2 apples and left 1 in the basket.