Love Verses Marriage
Seasonally Romantic
Let's Get TV Married
Burger's by Robert
Paper Great!

The most often quoted scripture at a wedding

1 Corinthian 13


Big city corporate Girl has to spend the summer in a small town. She meets Small town Guy who she hates at first but then loves. They get engaged as the small town summer fest. Name the movie.

What is Random Hallmark Movie- Summer 


This couple wrote their vows on Post-Its 

Who are Meredith Grey and Derek Shepherd?


Bob Blecher's rival restaurateur

Who is Jimmy Pesto?


How much did Michael's TV cost?

What is $200?


12 And may the Lord make your love for one another and for all people grow and overflow, just as our love for you overflows.

1 Thessalonians 3:12

Big city corporate Guy has to spend the fall in a small town. He meets Small town Girl who he hates at first but then loves. They get engaged as the small town fall festival. Name the movie

What is Random Hallmark Movie-Fall?


This TV groom's Boat ceremony was his "plan C"

Who is Jim?


Mort's profession

What is Mortician?


David Wallace sent Holly to this branch

What is the Nashua branch?


I am my beloved’s and my beloved is mine, He who feeds his flock among the lilies.

Song of Solomon 6:3


Big city corporate Girl has to spend thanksgiving in a small town. She meets Small town Guy who she hates at first but then loves. They get engaged as the small town Thanksgiving Parade. Name The Movie

What is Random Hallmark Movie-Thanksgiving?


After being delayed on a flight for several hours trying to get his mother-in-law's blessing, this couple's wedding ceremony ended up taking place in the place they first met.

Who are Schmidt and CeCe?


The secret ingredient to Bob's 'Meatsiah'

What is Black Garlic


Receptionist, Salesman, Office Administrator

What is every job Pam has had in the show?


Dear children, let’s not merely say that we love each other; let us show the truth by our actions.

1 John 3:18


Big city corporate Guy has to spend Christmas in a small town. He meets Small town Girl who he hates at first but then loves. She is also Santa's daughter.They get engaged as the small town Christmas festival. Name the movie

What is Random Hallmark Movie- Christmas?


Before jumping the broom, this couple co-wrote their vows standing back to back in a bathroom

Who are Beth and Randall?


Tina's (and secretly Louise's) favorite band?

What is Boyz 4 Now?


The office receptionists in chronological order

Who are Pam, Ronnie, Ryan,Kevin, and Erin? 


13 Make allowance for each other’s faults, and forgive anyone who offends you. Remember, the Lord forgave you, so you must forgive others. 14 Above all, clothe yourselves with love, which binds us all together in perfect harmony. 15 And let the peace that comes from Christ rule in your hearts. For as members of one body you are called to live in peace. And always be thankfu

Colossians 3:13-15 NLT


Big city corporate Girl has to spend New Years in a small town. She meets Small town Guy who she hates at first but then loves. They get engaged as the small town New Years Eve festival. Name The Movie

What is Random Hallmark Movie-New Years Eve?



This (un)invited guest threw a microwave on at the wedding reception of a former government employee and her teacher husband.

LaVondrius (Donna's Brother)


The Blecher family cat

Who is Mr. Business?


Number of vasectomies Michael has had

What is 4? (Jan made him have 3. But he has kids with Holly so he would've had to have it reversed again. If the bride answered 3 give her the points)