What is Kandyce's favorite color
What state was Noah born in?
Who is officiating the wedding?
Pastor Blankenship
How many double dates have Kandyce and Noah been on?
What day is the wedding?
March 9th
What is Kandyce's birth month?
What popular toy does Noah have a collection of?
Rubik's Cubes
How long will the wedding and reception last according to the invitation?
4 Hours
What is Kandyce and Noah's favorite superheroes?
Spiderman and Batman
When did Noah tell Kandyce he liked her? (The answer will be correct if it is within ten days)
June 23rd
What is Kandyce's favorite Disney movie?
The Lion King
What age did Noah move to Virginia?
What are the wedding colors?
Black, Gold, and Emerald
What is one food Kandyce hates that Noah loves?
When did Noah ask Kandyce to be his girlfriend? (The answer will be correct if it is within ten days)
July 2nd
What is Kandyce's favorite holiday?
4th of July
What is the name of Noah's dog?
Ziva or Z
Who is in the wedding party other than Acera?
Answers will vary
What was the theme of the birthday date that Kandyce planned for Noah's 24th birthday?
Space Jam
When did Noah propose? (The answer will be correct if it is within ten days)
June 23rd
What is Kandyce's favorite restaurant?
Grammy's Karaoke and Korean BBQ
What state has Noah lived in besides Ohio and Virginia
How many people were invited to the reception?
Where was the couple's first date?
When did Noah realize he liked Kandyce? (The answer will be correct if it is within ten days)
May 30th