What is Marissa's birthday?
May 22, 1998
When is Marissa and Justin's wedding?
April 5th
What is Marissa's favorite color?
What breed is Hank?
Australian Shepherd
What color is a traditional wedding dress?
What is Marissa's middle name?
What did Justin ask Marissa to be his girlfriend?
In the parking lot of Bareback Bar and Icehouse
What is Marissa's favorite book?
Queen of Shadows from Throne of Glass series
What year did Marissa get Hank?
Where is Marissa having her wedding?
What sport did Marissa do as a kid?
Ballet and Swim
How did Marissa and Justin first meet?
Senior year of high school in pre-cal (though they never spoke to each other...)
What is Marissa's job?
Employee Relations Specialist
Where did Marissa get Hank?
What are the good luck wedding charms?
(Hint: something __, something __)
Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue
What was Marissa's first concert?
Alan Jackson
What was the first trip they took together?
What is Marissa's dream vacation?
Somewhere on the beach... Greece
What is Hank's Job?
Chief Kibble Officer
What is the most popular wedding months?
September and October
What day did Justin propose?
If Marissa could have dinner with a celebrity (dead or alive) who would it be?
Princess Diana
If Hank could talk... What is one thing Marissa thinks he would say?
I Love YOU... can I have a snack?
Where did wearing a ring on your left hand originate from?
Ancient Rome