Who am I?
Where is it?
How do they feel?
I am the only boy in my family and have 4 annoying sisters. I strive to be the fastest runner in the 5th grade.
Who is Jess Aarons?
This is the state where "Bridge to Terabithia" takes place in.
What is Virginia?
This is one of Jesse's favorite hobbies, but he hides his passion in fear of being made fun of.
What is drawing?
Jess woke up early every morning to run because he wanted to do this.
What is be the fastest runner in the 5th grade.
Because Jess is the only boy in his family, he often feels this way.
What is lonely?
My family just moved into the Old Perkins Place. I am unique because of my clothing choices and I enjoy reading and scuba diving.
Who is Leslie Burke?
This school does not have enough money for a lunchroom or gym equipment. The 4th and 5th grade boys here run during recess because there aren't enough balls for them to play with.
What is Lark Creek Elementary?
When Mrs. Myers asks the class to watch a program about Jaques Cousteau, Leslie is unable to complete the assignment because she does not own this.
What is a television?
Jess and Leslie created the secret land of Terabithia for this reason.
What is to escape their enemies at home and school, and their own fears?
Leslie felt this way when the class reacted to her not owning a television set.
What is sad/embarrassed?
I am the 7th grade bully. I push little kids around. I got Jess kicked off the school bus.
Who is Janice Avery?
This is the magical country created by Jess and Leslie to escape their problems.
What is Terabithia?
This is one of Jess' chores on the farm. He is supposed to do this each morning.
What is milk Miss Bessie?
Ms. Edmunds, the music teacher, was called a hippie by other students/teachers because she often wore these.
What are pants?
Terabithia makes Jess and Leslie feel this way.
What is happy/safe?
Jess is my older brother. I worship him. There are new neighbors and I hope they have a girl my age so I can play with her!
Who is May Belle Aarons?
This is where Leslie lives. May Belle saw a U-Haul parked outside before the Burkes moved in.
What is Old Perkins Place?
Jess and May Belle knew that new neighbors were moving into the Old Perkins Place because this was parked outside.
What is a U-Haul?
Gary Fulcher did not want Leslie to race during recess because of this reason.
What is because she was a girl?
Jess feels this way after Leslie wins the race during recess.
What is mad?
I am the music teacher at Lark Creek Elementary School. Jess Aarons loves to show me his drawings and he has a crush on me.
Who is Ms. Edmunds?
This is the type of area where Jess and Leslie live. (Hint: It is not an urban city like Washington, D.C.)
What is rural/country?
When Mrs. Myers asked the class to write about their favorite hobby, Jess wrote about this because he was afraid of how the class would respond to his real response.
What is football?
Leslie's family left the city of Arlington and moved to the country because they did not value these anymore. (Hint: there are 2)
What is money and success?
Jess' opinion of Leslie began during this time.
What is during music class. While the class was singing, his eyes met hers and he thought that he could be friends with her.