Who Am I?
Free To Be You & Me
Fantasy World
I am an artistic boy who wants to be accepted and popular.
Who is Jesse Aarons?
This teacher inspires Jess and Leslie to become friends during her music class.
Who is Miss Edmunds?
In order to get back at Janice Avery, Jess and Leslie wrote this.
What is a fake love letter from Willard Hughes?
In order to be known as the fastest kid in 5th grade, Jesse would have to defeat this boy.
Who is Gary Fulcher?
I adore (and annoy) my brother, and I may be the "new queen of Terabithia".
Who is May Belle?
While Jess and Leslie are in this place they can let their imaginations come to life.
What is Terabithia?
Jess claims that he needs this "procedure", to cure his fear of swinging over the rising creek.
What is a "gut transplant"?
When Jesse threw his art supplies into the creek, he was demonstrating this stage in the grief process.
What is anger?
I am the teacher who encourages imagination.
Who is Miss Edmunds?
Jesse and Leslie cross over to their special place by doing this.
What is swinging on a rope attached to a tree limb?
Jesse changes his mind about Mr. Burke while renovating this magical room.
What is the golden room?
When Jesse refused to believe the news of Leslie's death, he was demonstrating this stage in the grief process.
What is denial?
I am the guardian of Terabithia, and I was a special Christmas gift too.
Who is Prince Terrien?
Miss Edmunds takes Jesse here on a day that starts out perfect, and ends with tragedy.
What is Washington, D.C.? (The National Gallery)
The part of Terabithia, deep in the woods, where Jess and Leslie go to talk to the "spirits".
What is the Sacred Grove?
Mrs. Myers was so impressed with Leslie's story about this activity that she read it out loud to the class.
What is scuba diving?
We are the sisters who care more about money and clothes than we do about our family.
Who are Ellie and Brenda?
Unlike most of the families Jesse knows, the Burkes do not have one of these. Instead, they prefer to talk to one another, read, and think.
What is a television set?
By giving May Belle this title, Jesse demonstrates that he is beginning to accept Leslie's death.
What is Queen of Terabithia?
After talking with Janice Avery here, Leslie comes away with a new understanding of the girl who she thought was just a mean bully.
Where is the girls' bathroom?