what does the "S" mean in SOAR
What is Safety
Raise my hand and wait for a team leader
where do you sign when you need to sign out?
in the sign out binder, under your name and the correct date
what does the "O" in SOAR mean
what is Ownership
when team leader is talking, the rest of us are...
actively listening and paying attention
can we sign out in pencil?
no, we must sign in pen (black or blue)
what does the "A" in SOAR mean?
what is Acceptance
name websites that are allowed on the chromebooks/iPads
prodigy, google classroom, coolmath games, educational websites, kahoot,
what happens if you sign in the wrong spot?
correct it by signing in the right spot
what does the "R" in SOAR mean?
what is Respect
before we leave the classroom, I need to...
clear my desk, put away any homework/personal belongings away, wipe down the desk and wait to be excused and push in my chair before I leave
what happens when you sign out under the wrong name?
correct it by going to your actual name and signing out and putting in the right information needed
name 3 program rules in Bridges.
a student left for the day, did not push in their chair and left their chromebook out on the desk, you see this so what should you do?
a good answer!
Ex: take initiative and clean up
let a team leader know
remind our peers to clean up after themselves and not do this again!
I am signing out and notice another student signed in my space, what should I do?
various answers