Prescription safety glasses must have
Permanent Side shields
All injuries and illness must be reported
Technical solutions for preventing simple human error at work
Poka Yoke
To convert a defective product into a good part
Rework Under Control
The minimum written examination score
Cut resistant sleeves must be pulled up to
Your elbow
When approaching a Powered Industrial Truck, you must stop and wait for
The wave
Used to verify that manufacturing is prepared to produce good parts
First Off Process
An extraordinary and temporary 100% inspection to protect the customer
Containment Inspection
How long is lunch break
20 mins
Location of the severe weather shelter
Locker room
Fingernails should be no
Longer than your fingertip
Final inspection within the production line before the product is passed on to the internal or external customer
End of Line Inspection
The number of Poka Yoke levels
Safety First, Quality Always is a
Management and Quality Policy
In the event of a fire all employees should go to their
evacuation area
When welding, grinding or chipping, safety glasses must be worn
underneath weld helmets and face shields
To segregate nonconforming or suspect material from conforming material
Red Box Management
Where a dropped part is placed
Red Box
The name of the cooperate strategy
Loose dangling necklaces, neck lanyards, and hooded shirts and jackets are
Use a lift assist or team lift for items over
35 pounds
Methodology to systematically address problems
Problem Solving
The two primary components of the First Off Process
Process Readiness
Product conformity
The primary customer for Purem Brighton