School Age

When an artery that pushes blood out to the lungs is stiff, small, and narrow.

What is pulmonic stenosis

Of the four types of burns, this one is the most common.

What is thermal burns


What does Freud's phallic stage mean for the preschooler? 

What are:
1. increasing awareness of gender and sexuality

2. may ask questions

3. may explore their body


School agers are in the stage of industry vs inferiority. This stage is characterized by..

What is self worth from involvement in acitvities


Impairment of blood flow, inflammatory response increases permeability of the blood brain barrier.

What is traumatic brain injury?

Name one of the 6 most important goals for congestive heart failure

What are:

1. Improve cardiac function

2. Decrease excess fluid volume

3. Improved tissue oxygenation/decrease oxygen consumption

4. Decrease cardiac demand

5. Maintain nutritional status

6. Family support


After the initial vasoconstriction, the inflammatory response will result in inflammation. Resulting in vasodilation and increasing _______.

What is cell permeability


The two components of the lower urinary tract

What are bladder and urethra


The most common cause of asthma triggers in school age children. 

What is colds?


When caring for an adolescent with a chronic illness, this is the top nursing priority.

What is patient education to manage the health condition?


What are the 5 most important symptoms of congestive heart failure?

What are:

1. Tire easily

2. Irritability

3. Diaphoresis

4. Tachycardia

5. Tachypnea


Name 2 of the signs of autism

What are:
1. abnormal social approach

2. failing to initiate or response to social interactions

3. reduced eye contact and body language

4. difficulty sharing imaginative play or in making friends

5. repetitive motor movements


Retrograde backflow of urine from the bladder into the kidneys

what is vesicoureteral reflux (VUR)

Asthma is in control when...

What is no interference with normal activities?


What are the two most important health promotion topics for adolescents?

What are driving and substance use?


Name 3 of the 6 main S&S of a Right to Left cardiac shunt

What are:

- Tachycardia

- Tachypnea

- Poor growth

- Murmur

- Frequent respiratory illness

- Diaphoresis


In the first 24-48hrs of a burn, fluid and plasma shift out of the vascular space into interstitial space and there is a decreased circulating volume... this increases risk for?

Hypovolemic shock


Name 3 of the 9 contributing factors to child abuse 

what are:

1. Lack of parenting skills

2. Immature parents

3. Parents with negative childhood experiences

4. Social isolation

5. Alcohol and/or drug use in the home

6. Manufacture of drugs, marijuana grow operations, drug trafficking, or other illegal activities in the home

7. Family violence in the home

8. Frequent family crisis

9. Unrealistic expectation of the child's behavior and capabilities


Which asthma medication does the nurse administer to provide quick relief?



After a MVA on a 17year old male, during the nurses head to toe assessment she finds the pedal pulse is absent on the R lower extremity. What is the first action the nurse should take?

What is notify the physician?


Name 5 of the 9 S&S of a Right to Left shunt

What are:

1. poor perfusion

2. prolonged cap refill

3. poor urine output

4. pale/mottled/cyanosis (TET spells)

5. GI issues

6. Pulmonary edema

7. CHF

8. Polycythemia

9. Clubbing 



What 5 things increase with severe burns?

What are:

1. Increased metabolic needs

2. Increased corticosteroid levels

3. Increased energy expenditures

4. Increased cardiac work

5. Increased myocardial O2 need


Name 2 of the RED FLAGS in a renal function assessment

What are:

1. Atypical urination patterns

2. Edema

3. Easily fatigued/lethargy

4. Irritable

5. Decreased appetitie

The three types of medications used to prevent future exacerbations of asthma

What are

1. Inhaled corticosteroids like flovent or pulmicort (2-3 days to work)

2. Leukotreine receptor agonists (taken at night, for preschoolers triggered by colds)

3. Oral corticosteroids (prednisone, dexamethasone) (effective in 4hrs, not for regular treatment tho)

3 goals for the adolescent with a chronic illness as they transition to adulthood

1. Learn more about medications and doses

2. Continue well established treatment routines

3. Understand what tests are done each year and why

4. Have the info necessary to make healthy choices about work, friends, drinking, and smoking

5. Monitor medication and supplies and order more when needed

6. Independently call the primary health provider health changes

7 .Independently make ongoing follow-up clinic appointments