In the Canterbury Tales, the characters are on what kind of special trip?
What is a thesis statement?
Road map for your argument; given to the reader so they understand what you will be talking about.
Commas go around (essential / nonessential) clauses.
N. "A whirlpool of great size & violence; a situation resembling a whirlpool in violence & destruction."
What part of speech?
Who wrote Frankenstein?
Mary Shelley
What does ICEE stand for?
Introduce, Cite, Explain, Explain
Psalm 98( : / ; )4 says to make a joyful noise, and I think heavy metal counts.
Adj. "Silly, empty of meaning or value."
What competition inspired the author to write Frankenstein?
Ghost Story Competition
Who is the demon in Paradise Lost associated with the sin of greed?
What is more important: to analyze text evidence or summarize the plot?
Analyze text evidence: you don't need to rewrite the book, that isn't the point of why your reader is reading your paper. They want to know how the book supports your argument.
A (colon / semicolon) means "note what follows."
V. "To cast overboard, get rid of as unnecessary or burdensome."
You can replace a colon with a... (hyphen / dash)
Beowulf is written in what kind of English?
Old English
Yes! Restate your stance so the reader can see how you made your point in the essay. Review your stance!
Hyphenate a compound adjective when it (precedes / follows) the word it modifies.
N. "One of a series of grades in an organization or field of activity; an organized military unit; a steplike formation or arrangement."
Demon Beowulf fights with his bare hands.
"_______ without ________" is the term Lewis uses to describe people who use only logic, neglecting morals or emotion.
"Men Without Chests"
Explain "show don't tell".
When you write, guide the reader through your point and weave your evidence together so your reader understands. If you have to over-explain your point, you didn't make the argument well enough.
Right or wrong Subject/Verb agreement? "The artist called The Dollyrots are my favorite."
V. "To stall or act evasively in order to gain time, avoid a confrontation, or postpone a decision; to compromise."
What room does The Party torture dissidents in?