Translate the following sentence with the correct noun:
(servus, servum) in culīnā labōrat.
the slave (servant) is working in the kitchen.
Translate labōrat
This word means 'is working' in Latin
What English word meaning "to speak formally" comes from the Latin orare?
What is orate?
Who was the Roman equivalent of the Greek god Zeus?
Who is Jupiter?
Translate the following rooms in a traditional Roman house:
- cubiculum
- tablīnium
- culīna
- triclīnium
- bedroom
- study
- kitchen
- dining room
This is the present first person singular translation of the irregular verb to be
What is sum?
What is the nominative plural ending for 2nd declension masculine nouns?
What is -ī?
Translate bibit
This word means 'is drinking' in Latin
What English word meaning "to delay or postpone" comes from mora?
What is moratorium?
Who was the hero who escaped Troy and founded Rome, according to legend?
Who is Aeneas?
What year is associated with the formation of Rome?
*Hint, this is a legend and has to do with a Latin God and a vestal virgin
What is the 9th century BC?
This is the present 2nd person plural translation of the irregular verb to be
What is estis?
Choose the correct translation of the sentence:
Marcus librum legit.
a) Marcus reads the book.
b) Marcus is reading the book.
c) Marcus read the book.
d) Marcus has read the book.
What is Marcus reads the book.
Translate cūr
This word means why in Latin
What English word for "light-producing" comes from lux, lucis?
What is lucid?
What labor involved Hercules capturing the Ceryneian Hind?
What is capturing the sacred deer of Artemis/Diana?
What major event in 79 AD devastated Pompeii and Herculaneum?
What is the eruption of Mount Vesuvius?
This is the imperfect 3rd person plural translation of the irregular verb to be
What is erant?
What is the difference between the perfect and imperfect tenses in Latin?
What is the perfect tense describes a completed action (e.g., "I walked"), while the imperfect tense describes an ongoing or repeated action (e.g., "I was walking" or "I used to walk")?
Translate saepe
This word means often in Latin
What English word for "the act of washing" comes from lavare?
What is lavatory?
Which twin brothers were raised by a she-wolf?
Who are Romulus and Remus?
What was a Roman forum used for?
What is a public space for political, commercial, and social activities?
This is the perfect 2nd person singular translation of the irregular verb to be
What is fuistī?
Decline amicus in the singular dative and ablative cases.
What is dative: amīcō; ablative: amīcō?
What Latin word meaning "to see" gives us the English words "vision" and "invisible"?
What is vidēre?
What English word for "to conquer or defeat" comes from vincere?
What is convince?
What was the name of the river that separated the land of the living from the underworld?
What is the River Styx?
What was the standard currency in Ancient Rome?
What is the denarius?
What is the perfect stem of esse (to be)?
fu- (as in fui, fuisti, fuit…)
What is the accusative singular ending for 1st declension nouns?
What is -am?
What Latin word meaning "to hear" is the root of "auditory" and "audience"?
What is audīre?
What English word for a “room where manuscripts are copied” comes from scribere?
What is scriptorium?
What was the punishment of Prometheus?
What is having his liver eaten daily by an eagle as punishment for giving fire to mankind?
Which Roman emperor initiated the construction of the Colosseum?
Who is Vespasian? (between 70 and 72 CE)
What is the third-person singular, present tense form of posse (to be able)?
What is potest?
Translate: canis in via dormiebat.
What is "The dog was sleeping in the street."?
This "Q" Latin word is one you would use if you were searching for or looking for something.
What is quaerit?
What English word meaning "truthfulness" comes from verus?
What is veracity?
Who was the father of Romulus and Remus?
Who is Mars, the god of war?
What was the purpose of a lararium in a Roman house?
A household shrine where Romans worshipped their family gods and spirits.
What is the first-person plural, present tense form of esse (to be)?
What is sumus?
What is the genitive singular ending for 3rd declension nouns?
What is -is?
What Latin word meaning "to carry" is the root of "transport" and "import"?
What is portāre?
What English word for “something passed down from ancestors” comes from legare?
What is legacy?
Who is the Greek hero that fought against the Trojans and killed Hector?
Who was Achilles?
What was the significance of the Roman cursus honorum?
What is the sequence of political offices Roman politicians followed, such as quaestor, aedile, praetor, and consul?
What is the first-person singular, imperfect tense form of ire (to go)?
What is ībam?
What major city is located on the Tiber River?
Rome / Rōma
What Latin word meaning "to write" gives us the English words "scribe" and "inscription"
What is scrībere?
What English word meaning "to carry out a plan" comes from exsequi?
What is execute?
Which Roman general led the army that conquered Gaul?
Who was Julius Caesar?
What was the purpose of a thermopolium?
What is a Roman fast-food shop that sold hot meals?
Conjugate currere (to run) in the imperfect tense, second-person singular.
What is currēbās?