The primary economy of Europeans in BC before 1857.
What is the fur trade?
This brought a flood of people into BC in 1857.
What is the gold rush?
The government of BC borrowed money to build this after 1857.
What are roads and railroads?
Canada promised to finish a railway in this many years.
What is 10?
The colonists of BC felt that they should join these two countries after 1867.
What are Canada and the US?
BC wanted these three things in exchange for joining Confederation.
What are paying off the colony's debts, a road between Canada and BC, and yearly payments.
Canada's vision for the nation. This vision made them want BC to join Confederation.
What is a nation from sea to sea?
Canada agreed to do these three things for BC.
What are pay off debts, build a railroad in 10 years, and make payments every year.