British Holidays
British Holidays
British Holidays
British Holidays
British Holidays
What are pumpkin lanterns called?
What are New Year's resolutions?
They are promises to do something to improve your life.
What is Scottish New Year's Eve called?

What does the word Halloween mean? When is it celebrated?

All Hallows' or All Saints' Day; the 31st of October

When do British people play practical jokes on each other? What is the day called?
On 1 April; April Fool's Day
What is a cracker? When is it used?
It looks like a candy. It is used at Christmas. When you pull it with sb., it makes a loud crack and a surprise, a party hat and a joke falls out of it.
Which competitions do the British have on Shrove Tuesday?What are they like?
Pancake races. It's called a Pancake Day. Competitors carry a pancake on a frying pan and they have to toss it into the air at least 3 times.
What do people eat on Good Friday? Why?
Hot cross buns because the cross on these buns symbolises the cross Jesus Christ died on
What is the name of the event in London where people dress up fabulously, march and dance to African and Caribbean music?
Notting Hill Carnival

What is the song called British people sing around the Christmas tree on New Year's Eve? Who is the author of this song?

Auld Lang Syne; Robert Burns - the Scottish national poet

What do Christians celebrate at Easter?
The resurrection of Jesus Christ
What do Christians celebrate at Christmas?
The birth of Jesus Christ
What is the traditional Christmas food in Britain like? (name 5 things)
Turkey; roast potatoes; cranberry sauce; Christmas pudding; mince pies

What day is celebrated on the nearest Sunday to the 11th November? Give 2 names for it? What do they actually celebrate?

Remembrance Day or Poppy Day; they commemorate the soldiers who got killed in the I World War, 11th November was the last day of the war.

What is the custom called when children go from door to door at Halloween?
Trick or treating

What holiday is observed on 5th November? Give 2 names for it. What does this holiday commemorate?

Guy Fawkes Day or Bonfire Night; It commemorates Gunpowder Plot when the plotters wanted to blow up the Houses of Parliament bacause they wanted to get rid of the Protestant King James I


What and where is the Cenotaph? What happens there and why?

It's a war memorial in London in Whitehall. There is an official ceremony of laying the wreaths of poppies attended by the royal family to conmemorate the dead of the 1st WW.

What is the name of the occasion that celebrates the Quuen's official birthday? Explain the meaning of the name. What happens there?
The Trooping of the Colour;it is a parade of hundreds of soldiers marching and displaying their flags on the Horse Guards Parade in London

What is the 1st of May called? Name a village tradition.

Mayday, maypole dancing


When is Boxing Day? Where did it get its name from?

On the 26th December; it was the day when servants and regular tradesmen were given Christmas boxes or gifts 


When is Burns' Night? Whose special day is it? What do they traditionally eat? What other traditional activites are there?

25th January, it is a Scottish holiday,  they eat haggis and tatties and neeps; recite the poems of Robert Burns and play the bagpipes


What is first footing? Which UK nationality celebrates it? What should you take? Who are first footers?

It is a Scottish radition of visiting your friends after midnight on New Year's Eve; A piece of coal, salt, whisky and shortbread; they are the first visitors; it is especially lucky if a tall and dark man visits you first; it makes the coming year a happy one


When can you hear and see carol singing and nativity plays? What are they?

They are both Christmas performances; Carol singing is that of traditional Christmas songy,  nn nativity plays children act out the stories of Christ's birth.


Whose special day of celebration is the 17th March? Why theirs?

The Irish, it is St Patrick's day - national saint, wearing green, marches


Name 3 main evergreen plants that the British decorate their houses with for Xmas? Translate them. One has a special tradition attached, what is it?

holly - magyal, krisztustövis ; mistletoe - fagyöngy  and ivy - borostyán