A great warrior, he ended up as King of the Geats.
The pilgrims in Canterbury Tales were heading for this place.
Canterbury Cathedral
The ghost haunting the castle is this man.
Hamlet's father or King Hamlet
Dr. Frankenstein’s first name.
Frodo leaves the shire with this powerful item in his possession.
The Ring
A word that starts with E--meaning a deep longing for a time or place in the past.
This Canterbury character sold absolution for sins and peeks at saintly relics.
The Pardoner
Hamlet’s girlfriend.
The author of the novel Frankenstein.
Mary Shelley
This helpful man looks scruffy and untrustworthy when they first meet him in Bree.
Strider AKA Aragorn
It’s a combo of two words that works like a metaphor in AS poetry.
a kenning
The Canterbury Tales’ Prioress had two of these little pets, who were not vegan.
This man picked a bad hiding place while Hamlet talked to his mom.
In this location, the monster tells his creator what he’s been up to and how he learned to talk/read.
The Swiss Alps
This creepy group stalks Frodo from the Shire to the river before Rivendell.
Beowulf’s successor, symbolized by these two emojis: 💆♀️ + 😂
Sir Gawain was a knight at this king’s court.
King Arthur
Hamlet doesn’t kill the him when he has a chance, because the king’s doing this.
He's praying
Dr. Frankenstein’s helpful friend who is tragically killed.
Henry Clerval
This character is not affected by the ring. He’s more interested in getting flowers for his wife.
Tom Bombadil
This man in Hrothgar’s court dissed Beowulf but eventually gave him his sword.
This item saved Gawain’s life, but it also caused him some shame.
The green girdle
The competitive event at the end, where everyone dies, except for Horatio.
fencing competition
Of the monster and its creator, the one who dies first.
The creator (Victor Frankenstein)
This man wants the group to journey to Minas Tirith.