
Who was arguably the most famous English poet of the 18th Century?

Alexander Pope


Why was Jane Austen's works so significant during this time?

She was a female author


How is Swift's Gulliver's Travels interpreted? (4 ways)

Satire, Modern novel, Children's story, Science fiction


What is the synopsis of Sense and Sensibility? Pride and Prejudice?

Sense and Sensibility: two sisters, Eleanor and Marianne, try to find love and stability in life after being forced out of the house after the death of their father.

Pride and Prejudice: two characters, Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy, overcome social class prejudice and their own pride and find happiness


What are some themes for Sense and Sensibility? (3)

For Pride and Prejudice?

Personal growth, social class, love, rational + emotional perspectives, deception and trickery, wealth + inheritance, dangers of dependence on wealth, gender roles + expectations.

Social class, pride and prejudice, marriage, women's roles in society, family and relationships, personal growth, satire and irony, courtship, romance, morality and ethics.


What impacts did the Restoration have on literature?

Theaters reopened, women authors emerged, comedy, French drama, heroic drama, and satirical drama became popular.


What type of literary device did authors such as Daniel Defoe and Jonathan Swift popularize?



How did Robinson Crusoe impact media? (3 examples)

(Basically, it influenced TV shows and movies) Swiss Family Robinson, Castaways, Lost, Gilligan's Island


Why was Alexander Pope able to publish a translation of Homer's works (The Iliad + The Odyssey) from Greek to English and capitalize on it?

There was an absence of copywrite laws


What were some of the literary elements/themes in Gulliver's Travels? (4) and why did Swift write this book?

Treachery, dishonesty, petty differences in religion, human corruption and corruptibility, pride. 

He wrote the book because he believed that the morals he knew were eroding and wanted to bring this to attention.


What were significant world events that happened during the 18th Century?

Act of Union (1707)

American Revolution (1775-1783)

Treaty of Paris (1783)

Seven Years' War (1756-1763)

French Revolution (1789-1799)

Abolition of Slave Trade (1807)


Georgian Era

Industrial Revolution

Enclosure Act

Agricultural Revolution


What literary device did Jonathan Swift use in his works (such as Gulliver's Travels) to criticize people's stupidity and the absurdity of cultural norms at the time?



About how many films/ movies have been adapted from Austen's works?



Where did Lemuel Gulliver travel to and who did he meet in the four books?

Book 1: Island of Lilliput, little people

Book 2: Brobdingnag, giants

Book 3: Laputa, scholars, scientists, + mathematicians

Book 4: Houyhnhmns, smart horses and dumb people (the Yahoos)


What are some literary themes in Defoe's works? (4)

What are some literary themes in Robinson Crusoe? 

Realism and detail, relatable characters, first person narrative, adventure, morality, individualism, repentance, development, isolation and redemption.

Self-reliance, survival, isolation, loneliness, colonialism, faith and spirituality, adventure, exploration, transformation, redemption, nature, human condition.


What impacts did the 18th Century have on literature?

Sensibility + Sentimentalism


Gothic Fiction

Satire + Social Commentary

Political influences reflected in writing

Novel, magazines, + periodicals


How did Alexander Pope receive his education? What were three hindrances that prevented him from an early success?

He was self-taught. What hindered him was the lack of a formal education, he was Catholic in a Protestant nation, and his illnesses.


What were some of Defoe's occupations before he became a famous writer?

Merchant, Trader, Spy for England


What are some of Austen's most well-known works?

Sense and Sensibility, Pride and Prejudice, Emma, Mansfield Park, Northanger Abbey, Persuasion


How is Pride and Prejudice still relevant today?

The themes are still used in many movies


What was the time period spanning from 1660-1688 marked by a cultural revival, restoration of the monarchy through the crowning of Kind Charles II, and non-Anglicans being allowed to hold public office?

The Restoration


What was Daniel Defoe's original name and when was he born?

He was originally named Daniel Foe but he changed it to sound more aristocratic. He was born in London in 1660.


What was the original title of Sense and Sensibility?

A Lady


What was Defoe's best known work? What is its synopsis?

Robinson Crusoe is about a man stranded on an island for 28 years and the perils he faces.


While Alexander Pope used satire to approach society norms, how can we approach these same standards in a more Biblical method?

We can acknowledge the perverted truths of man, consider man-made religion, and understand the relationship of man and women that leads to happiness obeying God.