In what country was Tik Tok created?
What is China
"Put off the ____ man and become a saint through the _______ of Christ". Mosiah 3:19
What is "natural" and "atonement"
Which reindeer are missing...Dasher, Dancer, Comet, Cupid, Blitzen?
What is the name of the kingdom ruled by Queen Elsa in "Frozen"?
What is "Arendelle"
What is the smallest country in the world?
What is "Vatican City"
Complete the lyrics..."Feeling good, like I should/Went and took a walk around the neighborhood/Feeling blessed, never stressed/
What is "Got that sunshine on my Sunday best"
"_____ never was ______". Alma 41:10
What is "wickedness" and "happiness"
In the movie "It's a Wonderful Life", how does an Angel get it's wings?
What is when a bell rings when a good deed is done
What does Anna buy Kristoff to convince him to guide her to the North Mountain in "Frozen"?
What is a "Pickaxe"
Is an avocado a fruit or a vegetable?
What is "Fruit"
When someone is the best at something on TikTok, what are the called?
What is "The CEO"
"Ye receive no _____ until after a trial of your _____". Ether 12:6
What is "witness" and "faith"
In the movie "A Christmas Carol" how many ghosts visited Scrooge?
What is four
What is the name of Anna's reindeer companion in "Frozen"?
What is "Sven"
Where is a shrimp's heart located?
What is "it's Head"
In what city is the Hype House located?
What is LA
"Come unto me and be _____, that ye may be ______ by the ______ of the Holy Ghost". 3 Nephi 27:20
What is "baptized", "sanctified" and "reception"
What did Frosty the Snowman do when a magic hat was placed on his head?
What is "he began to dance around"
Anna and Hans "finish eachother's ______".
What is "sandwiches"
How many bones do sharks have?
What is "None"
What song is played during the TikTok challenge where 2 people switch positions and outfits after flipping a light switch?
What is "Flip the Switch" by Drake
"It is upon the ____ if our ______ that you must _____ your foundation". Helaman 5:12
In the movie "A Nightmare Before Christmas", what is the name of the main villain?
What is "Oogie Boogie"
What is the name of the enormous icy snowman Elsa creates in "Frozen"?
What is "Marshmallow"
What is the only number spelled out in english with the same number of letters as its values?
What is "Four"