Primary Assessment
Secondary Assessment
First Aid 1
First Aid 2


Airway, Breathing, Ciculation


What type of hazards are you looking for in a scene survey?

No fire, No wire, No gas, No glass - nothing that can hurt me or my victim


What are we looking for during a head to toe check other than blood?

Everything! Bumps, Bruises, Deformities, Pain (grimaces, winces, noises), reduced or cut off circulation, and any kind of medical history we might need.


You walk onto a pool deck and someone is unconscious face down in the water. You pull them out and all their vital signs are absent. You must start CPR. Do you start with breaths or compressions?

Breaths! We have to assume they've been longer without oxygen than normal so we provide breaths first. 


You are walking by a park and see a child laying on the ground unconscious. What do you do first?

a) call EMS

b) walk around and look for the parent

c) check for vital signs

d) nothing

a) call EMS! Once you've started your rescue you cannot not leave your victim at any point, even to look for a parent. If you do not have a phone to call EMS start the rescue and call as soon as you can.



Warmth, ABCs, Rest and Reassurance, Treatment, and Semi-Sitting / Semi-Prone


What is the acronym used to find Level of Consciousness?

AVPU! Alert, Verbal, Pain, Unresponsive


How often should you be checking and rechecking vitals?

Every 5-10 minutes


Someone is having a nosebleed, it's been going for 2 minutes and they have their head tilted back. What should you do?

Ask them to lean their head forward to keep them from choking, apply an ice pack on the back of the neck, if the nosebleed is longer than 20 minutes - call EMS.


Someone is sitting on the sidewalk after witnessing a car crash, they're pretty stressed out and won't stop staring at the crash no matter what questions you ask. What are your next steps?

Move them away from the crash and treat for shock.



Face, Arms, Speech, Time


What are the 2 ways to check for pulse (circulation)?

On the wrist or on the neck


What are some important things were looking for when someone is wearing jewelry?

Is it cutting off oxygen or circulation? Is it a medical alert necklace or bracelet and for what?


Someone comes in asking you for help, they feel really drowsy and their speech is slurred with one side of the mouth drooping. What are you doing next?

Use FAST to assess for a potential stroke than call EMS and place them in a comfortable position.


What are some things you can get a bystander to get for you?

EMS, AED, First Aid Kit, Blanket, etc. Anything you could need.



Signs and Symptoms, Allergies, Medications, Past Medical History, Last Meal, Events Prior


Whys is checking ABCs ahead of checking for major bleeds?

Life over limb - they can live with a cut but they can't live without oxygen


What are some substances we look for during our "wet check"?

Blood, Spinal Fluid, Sweat, Spit, Urine, and Feces


Someone is asking for gauze for a cut on their arm, there is minimal blood and the gauze stops the bleeding but they've told you they got bit by a child on the play ground and it's broken through the skin. What should you tell them?

Offer to call EMS but advise they see a doctor immediately. Humans and Animals carry many different diseases, especially in their mouths.


Someone has a pencil stabbed through their leg, what are your next steps?

Use a log house and a donut to stabilize the object before adding gauze, call EMS as soon as possible.


The Three Ps of First Aid: PPP

Preserve Life, Prevent Further Injury, Promote Recovery


Even though treating for shock is last on the list, when should we put our victims in semi-prone/semi-sitting?

As soon as possible!


What are the 5 vitals?

LOC, Breathing, Pulse, Skin Condition, and Pupils


Someone is having a heart attack, they tell you they have Angina but don't have their medication. What medication can be substituted in?

ASA or it's brand name Aspirin. Nothing else can be substituted.


At what point are you using a tourniquet?

When you feel that the possibility of your victim getting worse outweighs the ability to keep the limb. ie. how far away is EMS, how long have they been like this, do you have the supplies, can you continue to treat them without it?