Circulatory Emergencies
Primary Assesment
More Emergencies
CPR and Drowning

How is the head placed when treating a nosebleed?

Tilted slightly forward


When first approaching an incident scene, what should you check/do?

What is a "Hazard Check"


What type of burn would affect ALL layers of the skin?

Third Degree Burn


What is the correct ratio for CPR?

What is 30 compressions to 2 breaths?


You should contact EMS for victims who are:

1. unresponsive

2. are having circulation or breathing problems

3. have a major injury (ex. spinal injury)

4. all of the above!

What is 4?


The FAST assessment is used to identify what emergency?

A Suspected Stroke


Before assisting a victim with first aid, you must ask them something...

What is "Can I help you" or "Do you give me permission to help you?"


What should be included when treating hyperventilation?

a. reassure the victim

b. pursed lip breathing

c. contacting EMS if the condition worsens

d. all of the above!

What is D?


When performing CPR which of the following are correct?

1. push hard, fast, and to 30:2 compressions to breaths

2. minimize interruptions between compressions (ex. stopping)

3. allow the chest to fully recoil between compression

4. all the above



For a victim who is experiencing chest pain, you can provide them with an over the counter medication. Which one is it?

Hint: Think Angina

Acetylsalicylic Acid (ASA) - Aspirin 

(all the same thing)


One of these statements about tourniquet use is WRONG

1. it's used when direct pressure fails to control external bleeding that is life threatening

2. used on any form of major bleeding on any part of the body

3. can be purchased or improvised (with a pen and some fabric)

4. placed about 5cm above the wound edge

2 - you need to be careful about when you use torniquets and it's impossible to use them on the head, torso, etc.


Why are Barrier Devices (ex. pocket masks or gloves) important?

To protect you from the victim.

Remember you are on top! prioritize your own safety. 


How do you address the entry and exit wounds on an electrical burn victim?

Cover the entry and exit wounds with a DRY dressing


Which victim would you not use an AED on

1. pregnant victim

2. oxygen rich victim

3. implanted pacemaker victim

4. electrocuted victim

3 - but 4 is a bit iffy depending on the situation. If they are obvious still near, attached to the source don't touch them or use an AED


In first aid, standard of care means...

What is acting according to your training?

(explanation: DON'T do anything that you weren't trained in and act reasonably as a person with your training would)

What is Shock?

hint: why do we end up treating for shock at the end of a lot of major situation?

it's the result of a sudden scare that can interrupt circulation


APVU is an assessment of a persons level of consciousness. What does it stand for? 

What is Alert, Voice, Pain, and Unresponsive


asthma can cause airway sensitivity to increase. this sensitivity can result in what?

spasms of the airway muscles and increased production of mucus


What heart rhythm does an AED advise a shock for?

Asystole (AKA Flat Line)


What are the goals of first aid?

(HINT: remember the three P's from our first class)

What is Preserve life, prevent further injury, and promote recovery?


A victim is feeling weak in her left arm and leg. they are also feeling disoriented and anxious. What two things should you do first for treatment (besides asking what happened, hazard check, permission)?

Assist them into a comfy position and call EMS


List Three things that a Secondary Assessment searches for?

Sample and a Head to Toe Check

- to determined what is wrong and how it happened

- to look for other injuries

- to gather information to convey to ems or medical personnel 


When should a sunburn victim seek medical assistance? (an adult)

If they have a lot of blistering, are vomiting, or they have developed a fever


A drowning victim can experience symptoms up to 72 hours due to...

aspiration of water or liquid

meaning: water is still in the lungs by accident (it's obviously not meant to be there)


Being affected by smoke, suffocating, or drowning can result in difficultly breathing caused by...

a. malfunction of the heart and lungs

b. reduced oxygen supply

c. sufficient oxygen

d. blockage in the heart
