This is my sexual orientation.
My middle name, which happens to turn my name into a place, is also my mom's first name.
I joined drama because for years I wanted to pursue this stage-based career...
This president, who was shot at the Ford Theatre, was the first to be assassinated while in office.
Abraham Lincoln
This is not the date of the party that you are attending right now, but the date of my actual birthday.
February 13th
My current first period is this science course...
AP Bio
My current top career choice is this type of science.
Marine Biology
This president was shot in Dallas and is the most recent president to be assassinated while in office.
You all know what my last name is. But let's find out who knows how to spell it.
I have three siblings; two sisters and one brother. Name two of my three siblings.
Ali, Erin, or Marcus
Despite living in Santa Maria for my entire life, I was NOT born at Marian Medical Center. I was born in the hospital of this university...
This is the main position I played in the making of "The Case of Hailey Salas"
This president ran the country through most of World War II, but died before the end of the war, requiring his vice president to make the call to drop an atomic bomb on Japan.
I have been doing programs with this organization for 5 non-consecutive years.
This is the name of my family's Native American tribe.
Little Shell Chippewa
My 5th grade teacher was the brother of this Orcutt Academy teacher.
This is the government position that I mentioned being interested once during a conversation with my mom that she then told the entire family that I wanted to be.
Secretary of State
This president contracted pneumonia on his inauguration day and died a month into his term, becoming the first president to die while in office.
William Henry Harrison
This is the inaccurate weight I have listed on my driver's license.
165 lbs
You heard the name of one of my nieces earlier. But let's see if you can name all three of my nieces as well as my one nephew.
Maggie, Andrea, Tyler, and Charlie
The only real detention I ever got was in 6th grade English class about the books we read with this guy, who currently attends Orcutt Academy.
These two "jobs" are the first ever jobs I said I wanted to pursue when I was in Kindergarten.
A superhero and a Mom
Just after the turn of the 20th century, this president died not from the bullet that shot him, but from gangrene due to improper care of his wound; allowing his vice president Theodore Roosevelt to take over.
William McKinley