will’s favorite thing about brooke
How caring she is and how she always make me feel loved
one of brooke and wills favorite things to do together
truffle hunting
Brooke’s favorite food
mac and cheese
Who went to elementary school with Brooke
Which friend has Brooke kissed
what was the first matching thing they got
matching green nike sweatshirts
where was their first date
newbergundian bistro
3 of Brooke’s favorite hobbies
puzzling, tennis, crafting, cooking
Name of the sand volleyball team Brooke played on with jasmine and bella
who had the same major as brooke in college?
where did they get engaged
Saffron Fields Winery
how did brooke and will meet
Mutual tennis coach Steve Robertson set us up on a blind date
brooke’s college major
family and human services
which of brooke’s friends went to high school with will?
How many times has brooke done mollys hair
6 or 7
whats the wedding date
brooke’s favorite thing about ill
How caring and attentive he is towards his family and friends and how level headed he is in any given situation even if it is stressful.
name of brooke’s salon
trent edwards salon
how many people at this bach that brooke has done their hair
What did taylor and brooke make in the dark when the power went out?
grilled cheese
what day did they get engaged?
will and brooke’s dating anniversary
what item was stolen from brooke’s closet at trinity
who got a matching sunriver sweatshirt with brooke
What restaurant did Taylor and Brooke go to for Taylor’s French class assignment and ordered all the desserts they had?