Seeing Stars
Picturing Potpourri
Error Handling

Looking up and making letters in lower-case (not too big and not too small) with your finger is this.

What is proper air-writing technique?


This is the only task where I ask the student what I should picture for __. In all other tasks I'm asking the student what their pictures are.

What is Picture to Picture?


These non-verbal reinforcers are versatile! Use them as visual indicators to number of repetitions to do in a task; anchor letters for AW'ing; encourage independent verbalization in V/V (give one per word/sentence); make a smooth activity transition by getting the student to play "basketball" with them; and so much more!

What are magic stones?


This is where I picture the clinician being when a student is in the bathroom.

What is outside the door?


An example of this, the first step in error handling, is "Great work picturing the penguin as being black and white!"

What is specific positive praise?


Examples of this include "tapped", "piles", "dance", and "mound".

What is CVCC word structure?


I check these on the first felt of a SxS task. I can make it efficient by putting stones on the ones that the student says independently.

What are structure words?


Kids find these super motivating and one takes just a short moment. Up top!

What are high-fives?


Some people initialize this question as WDTWMYP. It's the question I ask most often in V/V.

What is "what do those words make you picture?"


For this task, I change my initial questioning from the standard "what letters do you picture in __" to "did that make sense?".

What is reading in context?


The 3 of these are decode, identify, and backwards but not manipulate.

What are the SI exercises to give for SWB?


During the picture development stage, the student is forming a gestalt picture for the words so I save these types of questions until after the word summary. If I catch myself asking "why..." before the word summary, I quickly move on!

What are higher-order thinking questions?


At the start of each session, it helps to do this for a student's motivator and/or activity plan. Expectations will be clear to all.

What is set the climate?


I picture only these people going into the kitchen to get snacks.

Who are star cast?


In V/V when I say, "When you say the penguin ran down the hill, that makes me picture his feet on the ice" I'm doing this part of the error-handling process. For Seeing Stars I might say "When you say 'sip', what is the 2nd letter you picture?"

What is responding to the response?


To achieve the goal of reading in context (to become a global reader), students need plenty of this.

What is time, repetition or practice?


During vocab box, I put out ~5 words and give a picture for one of the words. The student chooses the one that matches my picture. E.g. "This word makes me picture a foot getting bigger and rounder, like a balloon." I have done this type of vocab practice.

What is expressive?



I can write/draw one of these at the start of my session to help my student know the expectations for each task in the session. My student can even exercise some control by getting to choose the first and last task!

What is a visual task chart?



In the questioning hierarchy, this is the type of question to start with. The next step is the same type of question, just directing to a particular part of the sentence or structure words. For example, "What did you picture for the penguin staring?"

What is an open-ended question?


This is the first time in the error-handling process that I'm not covering the word or story.

What is comparing to the stimulus?


In the visual spelling chart, I do this to help students visualize the orthography (spelling pattern) of unfair words. I certainly don't make them do this with their error!

What is say the word the way it looks?



In the ParaxPara task, the order of events is a little different. After the student reads/listens to the paragraph, they give this first.

What is a word summary?


This may assist your student with attention and get through a full session successfully. For example, do a task standing up (such as reading Star Words, Syllable Cards, AW'ing, or any rec V/V tasks). Small controlled ones are good too, like both of you softly clap your hands when stones are counted after a task or both of you softly tap the table, or even bounce in place a certain number of times.

What is movement?


To help my student build self-correcting skills in decoding, I read the word "recapsive" as "recopsive" and ask the student to "fix" my mistake. In another V/V session later that day, I give a picture for the word "fragile" as "I see a glass drop on the floor and it rests lying down on the floor." and ask the student to tell me what's wrong with my picture.

I have done examples of this.

What is miscall to monitor?


These are the three SI tasks that I just give the answer (and follow up with an SI question) rather than do the 4-step E/H process. (Points given for 2/3 correct).

What are ISSL, SWB, and VSC?