What is my first and Last name?
Brooklynn Santos
What game do I have 3000 hours in
Zach Aguilar/Tanjiro, Ricco Fajardo/Taiju/Isagi
Who did they done lynch?
What sport did I play 2 years ago
What is my middle name?
What is my favorite game of all time?
What is my favorite show of all time?
How many misplaced forks and spoons were there
how long have I played ukulele for
What is my Birthday?
April 9th
True or False: I have 4800 hours in rocket league
What show have I not chosen to watch even though I know it's probably peak.
Dan Da Dan
What fortnite skin is always out to get you?
What sport did I recently pick up due to a show.
Name 3 instruments I play
Ukulele, Guitar, Piano
What graphics card do I have?
RTX 4060 TI
What is my favorite Drama Show?
The Rookie
What vile video did I send that permanently scarred you?
The video of the pigs
What kind of article of clothing do I collect?
How many pets do I have? and whats their names
3. Rigby, Marley, Bruski
2 games that have made me cry
Celeste, Undertale
What spiderman movie do I think is the best?
Spiderman (2002) (the original one)
What character did I send you an image of when we first met?
What do i want to go to college for?