What states are the Jaiyden's from?
Illinois & New Jersey
What is Sydney and Abby's height difference?
0 inches
What is Reagan's Major?
Elementary Education
When is Justin's Birthday?
January 11th
What was the Jaiyden's broom ball costume
Anna and Kristoff
What is Hunter and Alex's height difference?
5 inches (I think)
What is Aiden's major?
Sports management
When is Lauren's birthday?
December 11th
Which roommates have matching majors?
Lily & Hannah
What was the name of Jaiden's crazy ex?
What is Cassie and Preston's height difference in inches?
What is Jaiden's major?
Music Education
When is Sydney's birthday?
September 20th
Who in our friend group is in a relationship currently?
Jaiden, Jayden, Alex, Josh, Riley
What was the first gift Jayden gave to Jaiden?
A necklace
What is Lily and Hannah's height difference?
3 inches
What is Cassie's Major and Minor?
When is Abby's birthday?
June 3rd
Who were the first 4 players out of survivor?
Jonathan, Lily, Nigatu, Cassie
When did the Jaiyden's officially start dating?
November 11th
What is Jaiden and Jayden's height difference?
5 inches
What is Lauren's major?
OVC (Orphans & Vulnerable Children)
When is Kate's birthday?
June 6th
What is Mr. Voss's 'title'?
Dean of Christian Ministries Department