Brother Andrew's real name is
What is Andrew Van der Bijl?
What is Corry Van der Bijl?
Known for what kind of missionary work
What is smuggling Bibles and other Christian literature into communist?
My death
When is September 27th, 2022?
Paul Gunther's change of perspective
What is the girl's broken arm in India?
Born when
When is May 11th, 1928?
My first Bible came from
Who is my mom?
What denomination
Published my first book
When is 1967
Best Justice University sport
What is Volleyball?
My parents occupation
What is a poor blacksmith and an invalid mother?
Death of my wife
When is Jan 23rd, 2018?
Gifting Bibles to forces
What is gave Bibles to the Russian occupying forces?
God's Smuggler accomplishments
What is sold over 10 million copies and was published in 35 different languages?
What is a tortoise?
Born where
Where is Alkmaar Netherlands?
Lived with my wife
Spreading the Gospel
What is spoke about Christianity at the Islamic University of Gaza?
Change of passion
What is working to strengthen the church in the Muslim world?
The time Paul Gunther was born
What is God's Smuggler?
Amount of kids plus grandkids
What is 16?
Crossed every border how
What is praying that the Bibles wouldn't be found?
Movie based on my life
What is "God's Smuggler?"
The most streamed Apple Music artist
Who is Taylor Swift?