Name 5 Qualities of a Healthy Relationship
Kind, caring, opinion is valued, respect, puts in effort, feel listened to, respects boundaries, and MANY more!
What is self talk and san self talk be negative and/or positive?
The way you talk to yourself, or your inner voice and BOTH
Is it "START" goals or "SMART" goals?
What is "gratitude"?
The ability to recognize and acknowledge the good things, people, and places in our life
Who is the most important person in your life to have a healthy relationship with?
What is "Self-Compassion"The way you talk to yourself, or your inner voice.
Treating yourself with care and concern when considering personal strengths/weaknesses, positive choices/mistakes, failures/successes, and happy as well as painful life situations
What is your largest barrier with setting goals?
Free Answer!
What does DESC stand for
Describe the situation, Express Emotion(s), Set your boundary, and State the Consequence
What is the difference between gratitude and thankful?
Gratitude is an action, thankful is a feeling that can often lead to gratitude
What are "red, yellow, and green flags" in relationships?
Red Flag: Means "Go", and/or end the friendship
Yellow Flag: Means "Stay and talk", see if you can work it out
Green Flag: Means this is a healthy characteristic of the relationship
The 3 terms in the first side of the Self Compassion Circle
Comforting, Soothing, and Validating
What does _____ stand for?
What are some skills one might use in healthy conflict resolution?
"I" statements, regulating emotions, open body language, active listening, perspective taking, and more!
Why is gratitude important?
It lets you help others, show appreciation, build and strengthen relationships
What is a social cue? Can you give an example?
A way of letting others know how you are feeling in a social situation, sometimes with words, sometimes without them.
The 3 terms on the second half of the self-compassion cirlce
Protecting, Providing, and Motivating
How can we ensure we are making Reasonable (R) goals?
Goals that are not asking too much or too little of ourselves (too big or too small), giving ourselves enough time to reach the goal, ensuring we have the skills to reach that goal
What is compromise? When should you NOT compromise?
Compromise:an agreement between two sides who have different opinions, in which each side gives up something it had wanted
When is comes to SAFETY
How have you shown gratitude today
What is perspective taking/empathy? How does it impact relationships?
Empathy: the ability to understand and share the feelings of another.
Perspective-Taking: The ability to understand how a situation appears to another person and how they would respond
What is "Self-Compassion" known to reduce?
Self-compassion reduces anxiety, lowers feelings of embarrassment when you mess up, and is associated with steadier and more consistent feelings of self-worth.
What are the stages of change (Bonus if you get them in order there are 6, maybe 7)
Precontemplation, Contemplation, Preparation, Action, Maintenance, and Relapse or Termination
What are the steps to conflict resolution (Bonus if you can get them in order, there are 8)
Pause, Identify, Understand, Brainstorm, Pause (again), Collaborate, Clarify, Respect
What positive effects has gratitude been shown to have on yourself and others?
Over the past two decades, studies have consistently found that people who practice gratitude report fewer symptoms of illness, including depression, more optimism and happiness, stronger relationships, more generous behavior, and many other benefits.