Legal Terms
Key People or Associations
Court Cases
Before and After
States and Schools

When all parties agree or vote in the way or manner 

What is Unanimous Decision


The man who started his court case with the Board of Education after his daughter was declined from a white school.

What is Oliver Brown


Which court case established the Separate But Equal Doctrine.

What is Plessy v. Ferguson


What were schools like for African American students before the Brown V. Board of Education Case

What is African American schools were underfunded and clearly inferior to white schools.

Where did the Brown v. Board of Education originate 

What is Kansas


The act of separating people based on their color 

What is Segregation


The daughter who was turned away from an all-white school

What is Linda Brown


What was the follow up decision to Brown v Board of education that ordered desegregation to happen "with all deliberate speed"

 What is Brown II


What types of schools did African American's attend before the Brown v. Board of Education Case

What is Segregated schools
School desegregation became a problem in 1957 when 9 African American student tried to enroll into which school

 What is Little Rock


An amendment that was introduced as a way to eliminate segregation and any natural born citizen and give people equal rights.

What is 14th Amendment


Was a American Civil rights lawyer which played a crucial role in the case and also served as the chief attorney for the plaintiffs.

What is Thurgood Marshall


What court case before brown challenged segregation in law schools

What is Sweatt v Painter

What did schools do that disagreed with the settlement of the Brown v. Board of Education Case

Many southern states closed public schools or funded private white schools.


This state was home to the first African American student to integrate an elementary school in the South, Ruby Bridges

What is Louisiana 


Laws that were set in place to enforced segregation from 1877 to 1954.

What is Jim Crow Laws


Current cheif justice which helped arrange a unanimous decision within the Supreme Court

What is Earl Warren


One of the five cases combined into Brown v. Board came from this southern state and involved a legal challenge against Segregated public schools.

What is Briggs v. Elliott


Segregation was claimed to be harmful to black children's self-esteem base on a certain physiological event..

What is "The doll test"


This southern state passed the Massive Resistance laws to block integration in public schools

What is Virginia


A Doctrine that was established in 1896, which stated that as long as there are facilities for black people, then they are as equal as whites. 

What is Separate but Equal Doctrine


After the court case, this association made sure that all students of color were afforded equitable education. This association is also still around today managing colored cases.

What is NAACP or National Association of Advancement for the Colored People


This case, decided alongside brown, which challenged segregation in Washington D.C.

What is Bolling v. Sharpe


A collection of laws passed in response to the brown decision that aggressively tried to forestall and prevent school integration.

What is Massive Resistance

This city in North Carolina saw one of the first successful school desegregation efforts in 1957, when four Black students enrolled into an all white school
What is Charlotte