Chapter 1
Chapter 1
Chapter 1
Chapter 1
Chapter 2-4

On what page can you find the mission and vision of the school?

P. 11

Brownell Elementary School

Mission: Our mission at Charles S. Brownell School is to provide a safe, nurturing, child-centered climate in which each student can flourish.  We are committed to providing a high quality academic program that is rigorous, engaging and prepares all students to meet their goals in continuing their education to become college and career ready. We will use every means possible to ensure student success.

Vision: We are Many Bulldogs with One BITE!

At Brownell we Build, Inspire, Teach & Encourage every child to excel!


What are the new Go Kits?

    • Every classroom should be equipped with a Go Kit with the necessities classroom staff may need in the event of an emergency.

  • Every main office should be equipped with a Main Office Go Kit with the necessities the Incident Commander and Emergency Management Team may need in the event of an emergency.


If rodent activity is found within your school, who should you call?

If activity is found within your school, please notify your building engineer and building manager so that they can address the issue immediately and notify the assigned Pest Vendor.


What time does the building open for students?

The school building opens to students at 8:30am.  Students must be in their classes and ready to begin their day at 8:45.  If a teacher schedules a meeting or tutoring before school with a student, the student should have a pass.  A student should not enter the building before 8:30am without a pass.    


What are examples of appropriate attire for teachers and staff?

Teachers, instructional staff and administrative staff should wear business attire.   Below are examples of attire that is appropriate:

  • Blazers, suits or sports coats

  • Dress pants or slacks 

  • Dresses, skirts

  • Dress shirts, oxford button-down shirts

  • Polo shirts

  • Sweaters and cardigans

  • Dress shoes, loafers


How many members make up Brownell's local school council?

8 members


Name the new platform and policy teachers must use to submit their CTU reimbursement request.

MyFunds Marketplace 


What is the maximum number of members on the LSC team?

13 members


What are some items that are banned and administration should be notified immediately if found?

Students are not permitted to have banned items on school premises.  Banned items make the school environment unsafe for the student or others.  If a student possesses any banned items, teachers and staff must notify the Principal or Assistant Principal immediately.

  • Weapons, dangerous instruments, explosives and fireworks*

  • Alcohol, drugs (including marijuana), and tobacco/cigarettes*

  • Jackets, sweaters, T-shirts, or any other article of clothing that signifies gang affiliation or affiliation with any organization other than those sanctioned by the school or that shows vulgar, obscene, demeaning, or suggestive language or pictures

  • Technology that violates the Student Acceptable Use Policy


What does it mean to be ready to interact?

p.52 All staff must arrive to work every day at their assigned start-time. Staff must be ready to interact with students by 8:45am for teachers and 8:30 am for non-teaching staff.  “Ready to interact” with students includes:

  1. At assigned door for student entry;

  2. At assigned door for student monitoring;

  3. At assigned door for student receiving and ready to teach;

  4. At assigned location and prepared to work with students; and, 

  5. All personal articles put away and ready for the day to begin.


All reimbursement requests must be submitted and entered into the designated financial system within (Blank) of purchase within the current fiscal year, whichever ends earlier;

60 days


Name a reason that administration would need to be immediately notified.

Immediately notify administration and other authorities, where applicable, of all safety emergencies, serious incidents, suspicions of physical abuse, sexual abuse or grooming behaviors, and criminal activity.


What are the tips for preventing rodent activity? And which tip do teachers have control over?


Tips for prevention:

  • Ensure building is cleaned daily

  • Ensure all crumbs and spilled food is cleaned immediately 

  • Restrict where food is eaten

  • Seal all cracks and crevices to keep rodents out

  • Make sure exterior doors sweeps are installed to prevent rodents from entering 

  • Make sure doors are not propped open which could allow rodents to enter the building

  • Keep all food in airtight containers to discourage foraging insects  from infesting the area.

  • Keep all kitchen areas clean 

  • Ensure all trash is placed in waste baskets

  • Limit areas with microwaves and refrigerators to designated eating areas

  • Eliminate clutter in classrooms and other spaces

  • Clutter prevents the custodial crews from cleaning those spaces and provides a breeding ground for pest

  • Food should not be stored in classrooms 


What is the protocol for visitors at the school?

p. 16

All visitors, including parents, visiting a school must behave appropriately and adhere to school rules and visitor protocol while on CPS property.  Every visitor must check in at the security check-point at the entrance designated by the school. The security officer will ask for a valid state ID or driver's license from the visitor. If a state ID or driver's license is not available, the security officer will check in the visitor by manually typing their information into the Visitor Management System (VMS). Visitors who fail or refuse to provide valid identification or other identifying information will not be allowed entry into the building.


In a case of tardiness/absence, what should you do?

In a case of tardiness,  please contact Mrs. Flowers @ (773)-710-6470 and Mrs. Ivory @ 773-988-7317 via text/call and report estimated time of arrival.


Name the safety drill and due date.

Allergen #1 (tabletop drill w/staff)

September 13th

Evacuation/Fire #1

September 27th

Law Enforcement/Lockdown

October 18th

Bus Evacuation

November 1st

Evacuation/Fire #2

November 15th

Severe Weather Shelter in Place

December 13th

Allergen #2 (tabletop drill w/staff)

February 3rd

Evacuation/Fire #3

March 28th

Aquatic, as applicable

Start of Swim Unit/Aquatic Athletic Season


What page should you look for if you want to know who is responsible for disposing Epipen?



Name one of our community partners.

  • Communities in Schools: Communities In Schools believes that transformative relationships are key to unlocking a student's potential. We will succeed by including in our strategies, ingraining in our culture, and reflecting in our behaviors, principles and practices of diversity, equity and inclusion. As a result, we break down immediate and systemic barriers to create and sustain equitable outcomes.

  • Forward Momentum: Forward Momentum Chicago provides quality dance education programs to schools and communities with limited arts access. Programs are designed to not only increase dance skills and awareness, but to foster creativity, critical thinking, and social-emotional learning. From classroom residencies to formal studio training, Forward Momentum Chicago offers a variety of dance experiences for all ages and ability levels.

  • Pastor LaFlora -Maranatha Church: Provides gift baskets and clothes for 5 families.

  • Pastor Walker - New Memorial MBC: Provides gifts for primary students.

  • Pastor Jai: Sponsors the beginning of the school family bash, provides Christmas concerts, hats/socks, and 6th grade scholarships.

  • Greater Acquaintance Church: Provides gifts for students during the holiday season.

  • Kelly Woodlawn United Methodist Church - Rev. Dr. Michelle Taylor - Sanders: Provided holiday baskets for 9 families

  • Lindsey Heys | Communications Manager |Skyway Concession Company, LLC: Provided funding for Promethean Boards installation and additional items in our Bulldog store.

Representative Nichols: Provided Tablets for students with perfect attendance and sponsored funds for the playground.


How is daily and weekly information announced to staff? How often?


The administration sends weekly announcements to faculty and staff via the staff “things you should know” memo.  It is usually sent out on Sunday evening so that faculty and staff will have access to it the next morning.

Name the cell phone policy.


Cell phone use by staff during instructional time is prohibited. Please limit usage of cell phones to areas such as: classrooms during preparation periods, teacher’s lounge, office spaces, or any other private area. If cell phones are a part of a lesson, evidence must be stated in lesson plans.


If you suspect that a child has been neglected or abused at home, by any school employee, or by anyone who works at a school or with students, call the Hotline at



(BLANK) requires (BLANK) school staff to report any reasonable suspicion they have that a child has been abused or neglected to the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services Hotline, so that the agency can take steps to protect the child. 

What page is this on?

p. 32 Illinois law requires all school staff to report any reasonable suspicion they have that a child has been abused or neglected to the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services Hotline, so that the agency can take steps to protect the child.


The Central Office Budget Department distributes budgets to schools annually for the next school year based on (BLANK). Estimate our enrollment.

The Central Office Budget Department distributes budgets to schools annually for the next school year based on projected student enrollment. The budgets are usually distributed to schools in the Spring and in even-numbered years, are developed with the School’s Continuous Improvement Work Plan (CIWP).


Where is the field trip policy? What is the first step?


Field trips must be pre-approved by the Principal and otherwise comply with the Board’s student travel policy located at  Field trips should not be planned during professional development, testing time, dates preceding tests such as AP exams or PSAT/SAT tests or other dates identified by the principal.  The following steps must be completed prior to the trip


What are our grading categories and their weights?





Class Assignments



