General First Aid
Hurry Cases
Animal Bites & Stings
Wounds & Burns
Weather Related First Aid

Name at least 4 things you should have in your personal first aid kit.

What are Bandaids, sterile gauze pads, adhesive tape, moleskin, soap, antiseptic, scissors, latex gloves, mouth-barrier device, eye protection, pencil & paper.


What are 3 out of 5 important things you look for when doing a "quick assessment" of an injured person?

What is 1. Is he breathing? 2. Is there a pulse? 3. Is there severe bleeding? 4. is there heavy poisoning? 5. are there any major visible deformities or disabilities?


True or False: when someone is stung by a bee or wasp, you should squeeze the wound to get the stinger out.

What is False. Squeezing will force more venom into the skin from the sac attached to the stinger. Use the edge of a knife blade or card or use tweezers


What is a closed fracture?

What is a broken bone that does not cut through the skin.


What are 3 symptoms of Dehydration

What are headache, delirium, confusion, tiredness (fatigue), dizziness, and lightheadedness.


What is the one thing you should treat every accident victim for?

what is Shock


What is the first step in First Aid for stopped breathing?

What is open the airway. Place victim on back. Clear tongue from airway by pressing on forehead and lifting chin to tilt head back. Check mouth for gum, food, or other obstructions. Remove any obstructions by sweeping them out with your index finger.


How do you remove and treat a tick?

What is grasp the tick with tweezers close to the skin. Gently pull until it comes loose. Wash the wound carefully with soap and water, and sterilize (alcohol or antiseptic)


What is a compound fracture?

What is a broken bone piercing the skin (fracture plus open wound).


What is a sure sign of frostbite?

What is grayish-white, blue, purple, black, and other weird colors on your extremities


What are Hurry Cases?

What are conditions that threaten a victim's life: - stopped breathing - no heartbeat - severe breathing - internal poisoning


Should you perform the Heimlich Maneuver on a choking victim who is coughing?

What is No. The Heimlich Maneuver (and abdomen thrusts) should only be performed on victims who cannot speak, cough, or breathe.

What first aid do you apply for NON-POINSONOUS snake bites?
Scrup with soap and water. Apply antiseptic. Non-venomous snakes bites only cause minor puncture wounds.

Should you remove clothing from a third-degree burn victim? Why/why not?

What is no because the clothing may be sticking to the flesh.


What to do for a victim of hypothermia

What is remove any wet clothing and dry the person. Warm the person slowly by wrapping in blankets or by putting dry clothing on the person. Hot water bottles and chemical hot packs may be used when first wrapped in a towel or blanket before applying.


Should you ever move an accident victim with serious injuries before help arrives?

What is Yes, if the victim is in immediate danger: for example, out of a river or in the path of a fire.


What is the best way to try to stop severe bleeding?

What is Direct pressure.


How do you treat hyperventilation?

What is talk quietly to victim and encourage him to calm down and breathe slowly. If necessary, having the victim breathe into a paper bag to help restore carbon dioxide to the body.


How to Identify Differences in 1st, 2nd, and 3rd degree burns (main characteristics)

What is first-degree burns: red, non blistered skin. second-degree burns: blisters and a little thickness. third-degree burns: widespread thickness with a white, leathery appearance.


How to treat heatstroke

What is lay the person down and raise the legs and feet slightly. Remove tight or heavy clothing. Have the person sip chilled water. Cool the person by spraying or sponging with cool water and fanning


What is the correct medical term for low blood sugar

What is Hypoglycemia


What are the 3/5 common signs of heart attack?

what is 1. Uncomfortable pressure, squeezing, fullness, or pain in the center of the chest behind the breastbone. The feeling may spread to the shoulders, arms, and neck. It isn't always severe. 2. Unusual sweating - for instance, even is a room is cool. 3. Nausea - usually first sign for women 4. Shortness of breath. 5. A feeling of weakness.


Should you apply ice to a venomous snake bite to help stop the swelling?

What is do not apply ice to a snakebite. It will not help the injury and can damage the skin and tissue.


There is a scenario in which you perform first aid to a person. What you do while controlling a bleed and keep the victim warm with a blanket.

What is What is monitoring for shock?


Name 5 symptoms of Heat Exhaustion.

1. Pale skin 2. Nausea 3. Fatigue 4. Dizziness/fainting 5. Headache 6. Muscle cramps 7. Weakness 8. Heavy sweating