General First Aid
Hurry Cases
Wounds & Burns
Weather Related First Aid
Skill Based Queries that are probably not BSA Approved
Name at least 4 things you should have in your personal first aid kit.
Bandaids, sterile gauze pads, adhesive tape, moleskin, soap, antiseptic, scissors, latex gloves, mouth-barrier device, eye protection, pencil & paper.

What is the acronym for strokes and what does each letter mean?

FAST, F for Face, A for Arms, S for Speech, and T for Time

What is a closed fracture?
A broken bone that does not cut through the skin.
What is dehydration?
If a person gives off (breathing, sweating, urination, digestion) more water than he takes in, he is suffering from dehydration.

What Year was Fortnite Released? (Bonus for Correct Month)

July 21 2017
What is the one thing you should treat every accident victim for?

What are the 3 Cs

Check, Call, and Care

What is a compound fracture?
A broken bone piercing the skin (fracture plus open wound).
What is a sure sign of frostbite?
Grayish-white patches on the skin.

What is Olga of Kiev supposedly the saint of?


What are Hurry Cases?
Hurry cases are conditions that threaten a victim's life: - stopped breathing - no heartbeat - severe breathing - internal poisoning
Should you perform the Heimlich Maneuver on a choking victim who is coughing?
No. The Heimlich Maneuver (and abdomen thrusts) should only be performed on victims who cannot speak, cough, or breathe.
Should you remove clothing from a third-degree burn victim? Why/why not?
No because the clothing may be sticking to the flesh.
What are 3 of the ways to help a victim of hypothermia?
1. Take the victim into a shelter & get in warm, dry clothes. 2. Zip into dry sleeping bag or cover with blankets, coats. 3. Offer hot liquids (hot chocolate, soup). 4. Give water bottles filled with warm fluid to hold in the armpit and groin areas. 5. If possible, have the victim breate warm, moist air. 6. Be ready to provide other first aid, if necessary. 7. Seek medical attention for the victim.

What is the value of the largest amount of money in coins that you can have without being able to make change for a dollar?


Should you ever move an accident victim with serious injuries before help arrives?
Yes, if the victim is in immediate danger: for example, out of a river or in the path of a fire.

What are the types of hurry cases?

Serious Bleeding, Poisoning, Heart Attack/Cardiac Arrest, Stroke, Stopped Breathing

What are the 5 steps for first aid for broken bones?
1. Check & treat for "Hurry Cases" 2. Treat for shock. 3. Have the victim lie still where you found him. Make him as comfortable as possible. 4. Call for medical help. 5. If you must move the victim, splint the broken bone.
Name 5 steps to treating Heatstroke.
1. Move victim to cool, shady spot. 2. Cool any way you can: remove outher clothing & sponge w/cool water; cover w/wet towels; place in cool water; fan; etc. 3. Keep victim lying down w/head & shoulders slightly raised. 4. Monitor victim closely. 5. Get emergency help right away.

When was the circumference of the earth first calculated?

240 BCE

What is the "Good Samaritan Law"?
Laws that protect anyone from making a good faith effort the help the victim of an injury or illness. Whenever you are confronted with a first aid emergency, use the skills you have to the best of your ability. No one expects you to have the knowledge of a physician but you can use your training to help until professional medical attention is available.
What are the 5 common signs of heart attack?
1. Uncomfortable pressure, squeezing, fullness, or pain in the center of the chest behind the breastbone. The feeling may spread to the shoulders, arms, and neck. It isn't always severe. 2. Unusual sweating - for instance, even is a room is cool. 3. Nausea - usually first sign for women! 4. Shortness of breath. 5. A feeling of weakness.
Why are thigh (femur) fractures especially dangerous?
Because the upper leg muscles are strong enough to pull the ends of a broken thighbone into the flesh which can cause serious internal bleeding. The "femural artery" can also be nicked by a moving broken bone. The patient should not be moved until a traction splint has been applied by trained personnel. A thigh fracture can pose a serious threat to the victim's life.
Name 5 symptoms of Heat Exhaustion.
1. Pale, clammy skin 2. Nausea 3. Fatigue 4. Dizziness/fainting 5. Headache 6. Muscle cramps 7. Weakness

Evaluate the age of which Mary Stuart became the Queen of Scots

6 Days Old