CL,Co, and Students
The Teaching Points
SAMPLE Bible Lesson
Bible and Prayer
Applications and Illustrations
Co-leaders rotate the responsibility from week to week
Who Presents the Bible Lesson?
Think about the aim of the lesson as you choose the teaching points for each division. Identify points that clarify the students understanding of the Scripture. Reduce or omit content which will be covered during Discovery
What are the teaching points?
Helps students to understand the meaning of the context of the Scripture passage. This reaches the students heart and mind. It is located in bold ink within the Bible Lesson Sample.
What is the Scripture Memory Verse?
Always use an open Bible and a well prepared outline
What material can be used during the presentation?
Each division must have an application in the form of a question.
How many applications are required?
The CL talks and the students listen until after the closing prayer. There is no dialogue between CL & Students during the presentation
Who Talks?
No,Clearly state the principles as provided
Can you reword the Principles?
Present God's manner and identity for the student to understand. Noted and presented in brackets and italicized in the Bible Lesson.
What is God's Attribute?
Begin in prayer and read designated Scripture
How do you begin preparation?
Illustrations are recommended only when they enhance the understanding of the principles for that division
How many illustrations are required?
It distracts from the message and puts the focus on the CL
Why should over-dramatization be avoided?
The main truth from the Scripture passage that you want the students to learn. Do not change. Think about it until it transforms your own thinking about the Scripture passage.Helps you identify wha content to include. Also determines the applications you use.
What is the AIM?
It should not be lengthy and quickly draws the students into the heart of the lesson(the aim) and causes them to reflect on their need to learn this truth
What is the introduction?
Pray for God's Strength and guidance as you practice; Pray for your students that God will teach them truth.
What do you pray for in the focus of the Bible Lesson?
Helps students understand a principle
What is an illustration?
Considering a regular evaluation of your techniques so you can be encouraged that God is developing you as a Bible teacher.
Why use self evaluation?
Each division has it that crystallizes the main spiritual truth of that division. It may not be the only spiritual truth of that division but it is a truth that supports the aim of the lesson.Present it as it is written on the Worksheet. Do not change it.
What are the Principles?
It is helpful to connect with the introduction so that the bible lesson flows from beginning to the end.
What is conclusion?
Enriches the subsequent training as well as embolden the students discussion
How does the bible lesson benefit SP Questions, Discovery and Basic Truths?
Questions that connect the division principles to the aim and the students heart transformations, not just on changes for outward behavior.
What is an application?
Select vocabulary and phases that are easily understood by the students in your classrooms/ Remember that you Bible lesson should be succinct.
What is targeting your material to the specific age level you teach?
Identified by the letters A, B,C and lists the Scripture for the that area along with the summary sentence
What are divisions?
It is the lecture tool for the classroom. It includes spaces to write an introduction, conclusion, divisions teaching points, illustrations and applications for your Bible Lesson.
What is the Worksheet?
To develop a high view of God in the students , ask Gods affirmation of the lesson and signal closure of the lesson.
Why do you always end with a prayer?
Limit Questions with answers with either Yes or No. Who, What, Where, and Why.
How do you get application Questions to apply to the students lives?