(True or False)
We can become holy by trying harder.
False, God works in us to help us depend upon Him more and more.
Jacob's twin brother
Who is Esau?
Rebekah put animal skins on her sons hands and neck.
How did Rebekah help Jacob deceive his father and pretend to be Esau to get his blessing?
God is high and lifted up. He is set apart from His creation. He is perfect in goodness and righteousness.
What is Holy?
Your favorite Genesis character
Free by naming any character in Genesis
We find our highest & most fulfilling purpose by loving & obeying God
His Jealousy led him to kill his brother.
Who is Cain?
Esau and Jacob hugged each other and wept
What happened when Jacob & Esau met on his return home after 20 years (after Jacob bowed down to him 7 times and presented him with a gift of over 580 animals)?
God's powerful kindness to those who DO NOT Deserve it. It is a GIFT.
What is Gracious?
Your favorite thing about BSF
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God's word tells us to try please people.
False, God is the only one who is perfect; the only one truly worth pleasing. If we live to please others we please only sinful people.
Jacob's first wife
Who is Leah?
When animals are cut in two and a two people walk between them in agreement.
What is cutting a covenant?
The total of all God's attributes. Displayed in the beauty and wisdom of creation.
What is God's Glory?
Your favorite attribute of God
Free by naming any attribute of God
False, we make choices & are responsible for our actions. God does not override our will, but He does direct circumstances to accomplish His will.
Jacob's first child
Who was Reuben?
The Holy Spirit's work in us growing us to be more like Jesus
What is sanctification?
Because of this attribute God could, but does not put an end to human rebellion immediately, but He has pity on people whose lives are broken by sin. This attribute explains why he waits but one day God will come to judge all people.
What is Patience?
Your favorite promise of God
Free by naming any promise we can claim from God
All people are God's children.
False. As descendants of Adam we are all separated from God by our sin. Only those who trust Jesus as their Savior are God's children.
Rebekah's brother and Rachel's father
Who is Laban?
Jacobs hip was wrenched so he walked with a limp
What happened when Jacob struggled with the "man of God" on his way home?
Your favorite Bible verse
Free by giving any verse and its where it is found in the Bible