If I do but love and trust Him, there is nothing I need fear.
What is Jesus Loves Me, Jesus Loves Me.
The one truth we aim for every child to understand and remember.
What is the Main Truth?
Leading children to praise God with voices and hearts.
What is the purpose of Music time?
Rely on the inexhaustible resources of God in the power of the Holy Spirit for everything His work requires.
What is Dependence on God?
Activities to refocus children so they are prepared for the next teaching time
What are transitions?
It tells of people long ago, of folks like me and you.
What is The Bible is a Treasure Book
Used to clarify the Bible Story and enhance a child's understanding.
What are Questions?
Familiar, New(er), Review
What is the order we sings songs
What is Humility?
Anticipates where a child's attention might get diverted
What is preventive discipline
He is holy and does not change
Who is God?
To watch the children's faces for feedback and encouragement
Why do we want good eye contact?
Vocal chords of preschoolers are not fully developed
Why do we pitch songs high?
Reflect the infinite worth of God in the quality of our service.
What is Excellence.
To redeem hearts as well as redirect behavior.
What is the goal of redemptive discipline?
Who will not fear You, Lord, and bring glory to your Name.
What Great & Marvelous are your Deeds
Used after the Bible story to introduce Children to Scripture and build and increase their faith in God and His Word.
What is Scripture Verse
Might mention God's attribute, clarify a word or phrase, or lead children to respond to God.
What is an introduction?
Consistently integrate God's character into thought, word and deed
What is Integrity?
Co-leadership, Nurturing Love, Prayer, Setting Limits and Transitions
What are the 5 tools of redemptive discipline?
A faithful God who does no wrong. Upright and just is He.
What is I will proclaim the Name of the Lord.
To remind children the story comes from God's True Word
Why we have our Bibles open on our laps during the Bible story?
Clapping, snapping, musical instruments, tapping the Bible, etc.
What are examples of Music Activities?
Help others by applying grace and truth with godly wisdom.
What is compassion for people?
Verbal affirmation of goodness in the children is one example
What is Nurturing Love?