What does BSLA spell out?
What is Black Student Leaders Association
What is the theme of the up coming BSLA formal Frosh Event?
What is African-Caribbean wedding?
What main color is BSLA’s logo?
What is brown?
Who is the current BSLA president?
Who is Liza?
What is the name of BSLA’s Podcast
What event is BSLA hosting next Thursday?
what is the bake sale ?
BSLA does top pick for all of the following categories except?
- Podcast, reading, sports, music
What is sports?
How many members are apart of BSLA’s marketing team ?
What is 6?
The official full name of BSLALÉN in French.
What is Association des Leaders Étudiants Noirs?
What is the name of BSLA’s conversational events?
What are BLK Chats?
What was the recent video on the BSLA Instagram for New Years ?
What are New Year Resolutions?
BSLA has an additional team that performs at various events throughout the semester?
What is the BSLA Dance Team ?
BSLALÉN serves to assist with these 3 aspects of the Black student journey at uOttawa.
What are academic, social, and philanthropic aspects?
The annual event BSLALÉN organizes to recognize Black History Month.
what is SOEX?
BSLA recently did an Instagram series on this international sports event, highlighting _______
What is Black Olympics
What culteral group is the BSLA exec team most comprised of?
What are Cameroonians ?