Alcohol, Tobacco, & Firearms
Keep 'Em Guesting
A Little Bit of Everything

If Resident A is 19 and Resident B (his roommate) is 22, can Resident B have alcohol in his room?

No. The use or possession of alcoholic beverages in the residence hall and/or disorderly conduct due to consumption of alcohol is strictly prohibited.


T or F: Unburned candles are not considered a fire hazard untill they are lit.

Candles & incense are a fire hazard and are prohibited. Candles and incense (burned or unburned) will be confiscated.

How many nights can guests spend in any seven day period?
Guests can be signed in for no more than 3 nights in any seven day period.

T or F: The only acceptable pet in the residence halls are  fish.



What day was returners move-in date?

August 24th.


T/F A student can have empty alcohol containers in their room if used strictly for decorations

No. Empty alcohol bottles are also prohibited.


Should a resident hide in their dorms while the fire alarm is going off in a building?

No, you are to exit the build in a timely matter for your safety. 

True or False: Parents are not considered guests and therefore do not have to sign in at the desk.
False: Parents do have to stop at the desk and sign in. However, parents do not have to turn over an ID while in the building.

Plagiarism: Legal or Illegal?

Illegal. Have zero tolerance for cheating.


When is fall recess?

October 14 to the 15th


T/F -BSU is smoke free campus.



Name at least 2 fire related crimes:

causing a false, Maliciously activating a building fire alarm, discharging a fire extinguisher mischievously, tampering with fire detection and fire detection equipment, arson


Where does a guest NOT have to be escorted in the residence halls?

Guests must be escorted at all times and locations including public areas, common areas, and individual rooms. Your guest cannot be left alone at any time, not even in your room while you go to class.


Name all residents building.

Bengal,Stac, bishop, Nueman,T1,T3, T4, Moore.


When is Benji’s (mascot) birthday?

(X2) what did he do for his birthday?

September 24th.

(X2) he gave out cupcakes


True or False: Pocket knives are allowed in the building if they are not used as a weapon

(X2) give me three items that are not allowed that are considered weapons.

False.The possession or use of firearms, ammunition, knives (of any size/variety), swords, explosives (e.g., firecrackers) or other dangerous weapons or use of hazardous or combustible materials is prohibited in the residence halls. (X2)In addition, paintball guns, pellet/BB guns, handcuffs, stun guns or any similar object that may be used to do harm are not permitted in the residence halls. Housing & Residence Life reserves the right to confiscate any object that may be used for inappropriate behavior. Soft pellet guns, realistic toy guns and water guns are also prohibited from the residence halls.


What are you expected to do if the fire alarm goes off in your building?

(X2) never use what doing a fire alarm?

Exit the building immediately, evacuate to the nearest exit and use the stairs and to move away from the building.



T/F: my guest don’t have to sign in. 

For safety, everyone needs to be checked in.


What is the earliest starting quiet hours time in our residence halls?

 quiet hours are 10pm - 10AM (Sunday-Thursday) 12AM -10AM (Sunday - Thurday) On Friday and Saturday, quiet hours for all houses are Midnight to 10AM.


When is thanksgiving recess?

(X2) what do I do if I wanna stay for the break?

November 26th to December 1st.

(X2) I fill out a form on my housing through banner.


What are the penalties (3)for any person under 21 who is possession of alcoholic beverage?

(X2)How much would you have to pay per offense?

Documented, kicked off campus, Probation, suspension,expulsion and referral for criminal prosecution.

(X2) $500per offense


(X2) name at least 4 items that are considered potential fire hazards and not allowed in the residence halls

candles/incense ,Live Christmas Trees ,Coffee Pots Microwaves (unless in designated areas)extension cords, space heaters, fireworks,weapons, curtains, etc.

Can an underage visitor be signed in as a guest overnight without parental consent?
No. The exceptions for visitor's under the age of 18 require parental consent (through an overnight pass) or parents accompanying the underage student in the building.

Who is your favorite RA?

(X3) what’s their handle on Instagram?


(X3) stunna.keyyy.


When does fall semester end?

(X2) when does spring semester start?

December 15th.

(X2) January 27th.