How can you move a text box in a document?
Click and drag it
How can you quickly increase the indent of a paragraph?
What is the purpose of "Hanging Indent" in paragraph formatting?
Indents all lines except the first line
Which shortcut applies single line spacing to a paragraph?
Ctrl +1
What does the "Keep Lines Together" paragraph setting do?
What is Ensures the entire paragraph stays on one page
Which alignment option justifies text on both the left and right margins?
Where can you find the Page Setup options?
Layout Tab
What feature allows you to add space at the top, bottom, left, and right edges of a page?
How do you insert a page break in Word?
Which section of the Ribbon allows you to change the page orientation?
What is Layout
What are the two types of page orientations in Microsoft Word?
Which setting determines how close text can be to the edge of a page?
What is Margins
Which key combination allows you to quickly find text in a Word document?
Which key combination moves the cursor to the beginning of the document?
Ctrl+ Home
What does the Navigation Pane allow you to do? (A: Move quickly between headings or pages)
Move quickly between headings or pages
What is the shortcut to go to a specific page using the "Go To" feature?
What is the quickest way to move to the last page of a document?
Which feature allows you to create a clickable table of contents?
Reference Tab
Which feature allows you to create a clickable table of contents?
What is Insert>Table
What happens when you press the Tab key inside a table?
What is moves tab to the next cell
Which option is NOT available in the Table Design tab?
Font Size
How can you merge two or more table cells?
Right Click> Merge Cells
How do you split a table into two separate tables?
What is Split Table from the layout Tab
Which option allows text to wrap around a text box?
Text Wrapping
Which of these is NOT an available text box shape?
What is a Triangle