Name a tag game
Any tag game
Run down to the opposite end of the gym and back
Complete the Task (first one done wins)
Name any staff member at Beyond the Bell
Any staff member
This field trip involves getting in the water
The pool (swimming)
Catch a pass from your partner
Complete the Skill ( first to complete pass wins)
This game has you scrubbing the deck and rescuing a man overboard
Ship Captain or Captain's Coming
Skip across the gym
Complete the task (first one done wins)
Name a staff member in the gym
Any staff member in the gym
The field trip has pins and balls
Make a basket in the hoop
Complete the skill (first basket wins)
This game involves trying not to be hit by flying objects
Jump as far as you can
Complete the task (farthest jump wins)
What is my name?
Name of person reading the questions
This field trip takes you back in time
The museum
Throw the bean bag the farthest
Complete the skill (farthest throw wins)
This game has you moving the ball with only your feet
Do 10 squats
Complete the task
Name the Supervisor from Waterford
This field trip lets you look at animals
The zoo
Balance on one leg
Complete the skill (who ever can balance the longest wins)
This game involves no talking while tossing a ball
Silent Ball
Do 50 Jumping Jacks
Complete the task
Name a female Supervisor that is here
Whitney or Kaitlyn
This field trip is a mix of learning and fun
The Science Center
Hold a plank
Complete the skill (longest plank wins)