Distance, Displacement, and Speed
Velocity and Acceleration
Gravity, Weight, Free Fall, and Friction
Newton's 3 Laws
Whatever Newton Wants
I walk 20 meters east, then turn back and walk 5 meters west. Find my distance traveled.
25 meters
Velocity includes 2 components. Name them.
1) Speed 2) Direction
When an object is in free-fall, the only force acting on the object is ____________________.
Gravity (or weight)
Because the mass of the metal marble was larger than the glass marble, the metal marble has ____________(more/less) inertia than the glass marble.
The first step of the scientific method is to form a scientific question. What is the 2nd step?
Propose a hypothesis based on observations and inferences.
An ant walks 95 cm to the right, then walks 22 cm left. Find the ant's displacement.
73 cm right
If my acceleration is 0, we know that the object is: a. at rest b. at a constant velocity c. speeding up d. cannot be determined
b. at a constant velocity
These are the two factors that friction depends on.
What is the texture of the surface and mass?
According to Newton's Third Law of Motion, if the action force of the air pushing out of the ballon is 10 N, then the magnitude of the reaction force will be ______ N.
10 N
Glenn drafts a conclusion and mails it to a bunch of her teachers and other friends who are scientists. What step of the scientific method is Glenn performing?
Step 6. Communicate your results to the scientific community.
A dog runs 40 meters in 5 seconds. Find the speed of the dog.
Distance = speed x time 40 meters = speed x (5 seconds) Speed = 8 m/s
Eduardo is in a go-kart. His velocity increases from 20 m/s to 29 m/s in 3 seconds. Find Eduardo's acceleration.
acceleration = (final velocity - initial velocity) / time acceleration = (29 m/s - 20 m/s) / 3 sec acceleration = 3 m/s^2
If the mass of the Earth suddenly increased, the force of gravity acting on you would _________________.
Dualis is pulling a chair with a force of 18 N. The chair has a mass of 6 kg. Find the chair's acceleration.
F = 18 N m = 6 kg a = ? F = ma 18 N = (6 kg)(a) a = 3 m/s^2
In physics, the word "size" is replaced by the word "____________."
Derek Jeter starts on the bench, gets up and goes to play in the field, and then after the inning, goes back to the SAME SPOT on the bench. Find Jeter's displacement.
A car is driving with a speed of 20 miles/hour around a tight curve in the road. We know that the car is: a. moving at a constant velocity b. speeding up c. slowing down d. accelerating
d. accelerating; the car is changing direction
When the distance between 2 objects INCREASES, the force of gravity between them will ______________.
Identify the action-reaction forces in a balloon rocket.
Action: force of the balloon emitting air. Reaction: air pushing back on balloon, causing it to move forward.
Why do 2 objects with different masses land at the same time when dropped?
The objects are in free-fall. The only force acting on them is the force of gravity, which results in a constant acceleration of 10 m/s2.
A marathon runner runs 13 miles/hour for 26 miles. How long did it take the runner to travel this distance?
distance = speed x time 26 miles = 13 miles/hour x time time = 2 hours
A bus is approaching a red light. In 6 seconds, it slows down from 18 m/s and comes to a stop. Find the bus's acceleration.
Initial velocity = 18 m/s final velocity = 0 time = 6 seconds a = ? a = (Vf - Vi)/t a = (0 m/s - 18 m/s) / 6 s a = -3 m/s^2
Another name for the force of gravity is _____________.
The resistance to a change in motion is called ___________.
Air resistance is a force that opposes the motion of falling objects. Air resistance is one form of _____________.