Reading Literature 1
Reading Literature 2
Informational Texts 1
Informational Texts 2
Language and Vocab

Which sentence from the passage best reveals Lucene's character? 

Now that they were at Solariz City, Lucene's parents tried to cheer up Lucene and Hallax by insisting that everyone have dinner together in the dome-shaped chamber instead of eating alone in their respective pods. Her father had even managed to get part-time jobs for the siblings. That night, Lucene wanted to retire to her sleeping pod early. She didn't want to arrive late on the first day at her new job. She always felt that not being on time was a sign of disrespect.

She always felt that not being on time was a sign of disrespect.


_____  is the best technique to get straight to the point and quickly identify the main idea of a text. 



What are Text Aides?

The title, headings, or first paragraphs.

Use these to ask questions about the text!


Is the following claim objective or subjective?:

Members of the jury, I have no doubt that my client is innocent. First, police records show that my client does not have a criminal record and has never even received a speeding ticket.



What is the correct definition of the given vocabulary word?


Anxious; upset


Why does Squeaky want to be Raymond's coach at the end of Raymond's Run?

She wants to stop caring only about winning and losing and start caring for others.


What is the theme of the following passage:

The flower that smiles to-day
To-morrow dies;
All that we wish to stay
Tempts and then flies.
What is this world's delight?
Lightning that mocks the night,
Brief even as bright.

beauty/the frailty of beauty


Name one sentence that shows that Easter Island settlers may have drunk brackish water in the following passage:

 There are very few fresh water lakes on the island. The island also receives very little rainfall throughout the year. It is surprising that a large society managed to survive on the island without sufficient fresh water. Recent field surveys show that the giant statues are located near major sources of brackish water along the coastline. Brackish water is a mixture of fresh and sea water and is not as salty as only seawater. Archaeologists also found that the people lived closer to the sea coast than to lakes.

 There are very few fresh water lakes on the island.


It is surprising that a large society managed to survive on the island without sufficient fresh water.


Is the following claim Believable or Questionable?

I also checked a web site for people who like high risk, extreme sports. One person said, "There is no proof that highly skilled bikers are safer with bike helmets."



What is the correct definition of the given vocabulary word?


A process by which something becomes degraded or impure


"Love in my heart was a fresh tide flowing" is an example of what type of figurative language?



What role does the dialogue play in this passage?

The detective finished his conversation with Rob and turned to Rob’s wife, Nellie.

"Ms. Reeves,” said the detective. “Would you like to add anything to what your husband said about his co-worker Mr. Pack?"

Nellie had only met Mr. Pack once, at a Thanksgiving dinner. But she remembered him clearly.

"Mr. Pack didn’t seem like a very cheerful person,” said Nellie. “He carried this dark cloud over him. He kept to himself and didn’t mingle with anyone. And there was one really odd thing about him. He would talk to himself whenever he thought no one was looking."

It reveals information about Mr. Pack


Which sentence contains the passage's main point:

Saturated fat is a kind of fat found mainly in foods from animals. Eating too much saturated fat and cholesterol raises blood cholesterol levels in most people. High blood cholesterol levels can increase the risk of heart disease.

It is a good idea to limit the amount of fat and cholesterol you eat. Less fat and cholesterol in your diet is better for your heart and your weight.

High blood cholesterol levels can increase the risk of heart disease.


 Which three sentences from the passage best support the inference that Koko was intelligent? 

Koko, the gorilla, was born in 1971 in San Francisco, California. Koko lived most of her life at The Gorilla Foundation preserve near San Francisco. At the preserve she learned to communicate using sign language. Koko is said to have learned to sign over 1,000 words in what is referred to as "Gorilla Sign Language" or GSL. Moreover, it has been documented that Koko could understand over 2,000 words of spoken English. Even though she had scored between 70-90 on various IQ test, it is said her communication skills never developed beyond how a small child communicates.

 At the preserve she learned to communicate using sign language.

Koko is said to have learned to sign over 1,000 words in what is referred to as "Gorilla Sign Language" or GSL.

Moreover, it has been documented that Koko could understand over 2,000 words of spoken English.


Forest is to tree as ____ is to player



In the sentence, what does the word premier suggest about Lake Powell?

Additionally, boating enthusiasts recognize Lake Powell as one of the premier water-based recreation destinations in the world.

It is of the finest quality


What type of conflict is the following:

A corrupt politician struggles to come to terms with his ambitions, which have caused him to make many empty promises.

Character versus himself


Summarize the following:
      Coral plays a critical role in the ocean because many species depend on coral for survival. Coral reefs help to shield coastal populations from erosion, storms, and waves. Millions of species in the ocean also depend of coral for food and shelter. But coral is in danger due to many threats including pollution and certain fishing practices. When reefs are healthy, the ocean is healthy. For this reason, many efforts have been established in order to preserve these resources for future generations.

Good summary should include the main point and key details.


Is the claim in this paragraph believable or questionable?

Today, Bath is still fed by hot springs and is known for its beauty. Most of the town's buildings were constructed from the pale yellow local stone. These buildings give Bath a light, airy feel. The hot springs and the buildings make Bath a wonderful place to see.



Read the following sentence:

The debate team was prepared and answered the questions with great facility.

Which definition best fits the meaning of the word facility as it is used in the sentence?


the quality of being easily performed


Read the following statement from Helen Keller.

Although the world is full of suffering, it is also full of the overcoming of it.

Which word best describes the tone of this statement?



What impact does the setting of this passage have on the characters?

Claire and Susan traveled Europe with other students to experience the fascinating local cultures. They tried out new foods, met new people, and visited some of the most breathtaking locations. They even managed to make some new friends along the way. When they returned home, Susan and Claire felt that they wouldn’t look at things the same way again. It had been a great experience.

It changes their perspectives


What is the definition of the following word:


A person who transports messages or packages


What is the main sentence in the following passage?

In recent years, however, wetlands have been found to be vital to the survival of hundreds of animals and plants. These creatures include half of the nation's endangered species.

Wetlands are also important to people because they filter pollutants and sediment from water, so they are a good source of safe water. They serve as a natural means of flood and erosion control, as well.

Wetlands are also important to people because they filter pollutants and sediment from water, so they are a good source of safe water.


What does the author convey through this analogy?

Life is like an echo. What you send out comes back.

The satisfaction people get from life depends on their personal actions.