An Overview!
Rocks and minerals!
Rock/Crystal formation!
The Triboelectric Effect, Salts and Conductivity!

What are the three rock types?

Metamorphic, Igneous, and Sedimentary


Which rock is so light that it can float on water? 



What type of geodes did we crack open? 

Quartz geodes!


Which crystal system does Quartz belong to? 

A) Monoclinic (slanted shoebox) 

B) Triclinic (Shoebox with a point)

C) Tetrahedral (Like a Four-Sided pyramid)

D) Amorphous (No visible structure) 

It belongs to B) The Triclinic family. 


Is the Triboelectric Effect a theory or a confirmed fact? 

A theory, no one knows how for sure how it actually works, we only have ideas. 


What element is a diamond made of?

Carbon, organized in a crystal lattice (squares).


What is Luster? 

Lusteris the type of shine that a rock or crystal has when exposed to light.


How long does it take geodes to form?

It can take thousands or even million of years for geodes to form!


Which Crystal system is this? 



What makes Copper Good for electrical purposes (Give two reasons) 

It's flexible enough to be molded into wires and it's arrangment of electrons allows for electrical conductivity. 


What makes something a metal?

High electrical conductivity, metallic luster (with exceptions), and high flexibility. 


What is a Rock's Streak 

This is the color of a mineral's powder, given by scraping a part of it off using a plate. It can tell us a little about its chemical content. 


How do Volcanoes start the first stage of forming a geode?

They release molten magma, which has air bubbles that are slowly trapped in the magma as it cools and forms a hollow space.

What is the special way that someone can identify a Ruby? 

They glow in the dark!


What are the chemical components of Salt?

NaCl (Sodium Chloride) 


Where is Quartz used / What is Quartz used for? 

It's used in watch oscillators and in GPS systems as well as in the electrical industry and glassmaking


The Mohs hardness scale goes 1 to what?

It goes from 1 - 10 

How does groundwater allow for crystals to form

It brings in crystal-forming minerals to a hollow space that clings to the rock even once the water has dried.


Why do diamonds sink to the bottom of the glass while the fake gem floats? (Hint: think the distance between each atom)What crystal system is this?

Real diamonds have more density or something we call "specific gravity, " making them heavier in water.


What is unique about the light created by the Triboelectric Effect? 

It is known as "cold light" which means that no heat is created from this phenomenon


How do diamonds chip and shatter if they're the hardest surface in the world? (Hint: crystals with symmetrical patterns like squares deal with this problem) 

If force is applied to their "lattice" structure, at exactly the right angle, parts can chip off, or the entire thing can fall apart altogether. 


What separates a rock from a mineral?

Rocks aren't specific substances, they are combinations of multiple minerals like granite, which contains Quartz, Feldspar, and Mica. 


Can diamonds form in Geodes, if not why?

A few reasons: because its hard to break up diamonds, groundwater can't bring diamonds into the geode, and also, magma remains close to the surface, so the conditions aren't correct to guarantee enough heat and pressure to form diamonds.


What is a Crystal Lattice structure (Hint: Diamonds grow in this shape)

It is an incredibly strong 3-D arrangement of atoms that hold up well under pressure and force. 


What causes the flames to burn at different colors? 

The different energy levels that the electrons can be found on affect the color of the flame that we see.