Main character of Bud Not Buddy?
Miss Hill works here
The library.
Band dates and places are located where
Bud's rocks.
This was stuck in his ear and his nickname
A bug
Mr. Calloway's reaction when he sees Bud's rocks.
This singer plays in a band
Miss. Thomas.
An injury occurred at this location
The shed.
Bud was given this instrument.
A horn.
Three girls little girls did this
Hug and kiss you.
This helped him fall asleep
Blanket that smelled like cinnamon.
This person is compassionate
Lefty Lewis.
Mr. Calloway lived here.
The Grand Calloway Station.
According to Bud this made him think Herman was his father
A flyer.
Mrs. Amos does this for Tod?
Believes everything that Todd says.
His mom was watching him how
She grabs a picture of Bud's mom and then she shakes it around.
The opposite of kind, compassionate, welcoming and kind?
Mr. Calloway.
A restaurant in the novel.
The Sweet Pea.
Bud found this object
A picture.
Friends will call you this and why
This was found in her pocket
Main character's mother's full name?
Angela Janet Caldwell.
The Laughing Jackass.
The suitcase was held together using this
A piece of twine.
The Amos family wanted this
An apologize from Bud
This will show you where something is located
A map