Who is Buddha
Praying or Dreaming
Name that Petal
Behind Door #1
Purpose of GDPT

Queen Mahamaya (Ma Gia) and King Suddhodana (Tịnh Phạn) son's name

Who is Prince Kausala Sakya Siddharta


The three refugees we take to

What are Buddha (Phật), Dharma (Pháp), Sangha (Tăng)


How many petals are on the lotus

What is 8


A benefit of being a vegetarian 

What is...

1. Fruits and vegetables have more vitamins than meats, and also easier to digest. Fruits, vegetables, and cereals provide a well-balanced diet for the human body.

2. When one's body is healthy, one's mind functions better. Therefore, one can learn everything


2. By not eating meats, one has taken a step towards reaching enlightenment. By realizing that

animals have the same right to live as humans, one develops a compassion for all living creatures.

4. By controlling your diet of not eating meats, you learn to live a more simple and meaningful life.

This lifestyle shows the code of compassion of a Buddhist.


The principles (Châm Ngôn) of teens and adult members

What are Compassion, Wisdom, Bravery (Bi - Trí - Dũng)


The name of Prince Siddharta's son 

Who is Rahula (La-HÀu-La)


The first line in Bài Sám Hối

What is Đệ tử kính lạy


Five morals of conduct or the top 5 petals 

What are diligence (Tinh Tấn), forgiveness (Hỷ Xả), purity (Thanh Tịnh), wisdom (Trί Huệ) and compassion  (Từ Bi)


The first precept (Giới)

What is No Killing (Không được giết hại người và sinh vật)


One of the objectives of the Buddhist youth association (GDPT) 

What is....

1. Training the youths to be true Buddhists

2. Training the youths to be productive citizens who will make positive contributions to society


The title name given to Buddha after he reach enlightment

Who is Gautama (Thích Ca Mâu Ni)


The people that we give gratitude to gratitude (Ân) to? Hint: 4

Who are parents(cha, mẹ), teachers and friends (Thầy and bạn), Society (Xã hội), Three jewels (Tam Bảo) 


The Buddha or Boddhisattava that represents compassion (Từ Bi)

Who is Nam Mô Đại Bi Quan Thế Âm Bồ Tát


The meaning of the five colors on the Buddhist flag

What is

a.       Dark Blue:   Meditation

b.       Yellow:  Wisdom

c.        Red:   Diligence

d.       White:  Purity

e.       Orange:  Compassion


The three poisons

What are Greed (Tham), Anger (Sân), and Ignorance (Si)  


These were first disciplines of Buddha and the name of his first lesson

Who are Kondana (Kiều Trần Như) and What are the four noble truths (Tứ Diệu Đế)?


Cite Hồi Hướng

What is Nguyện đem công đức này hướng về khắp tất cả or Vow to forward and share all achieved merits with all beings and Together, we and all beings can attain enlightenment


The Buddha or Boddhisattava that represents purity (Thanh Tịnh)

Who is Nam Mô A-Di-Đà Phật


Place and year the Buddhist flag created

Where is Sri Lanka in 1889


Name one of the six rules of Harmony (Sáu Phép Hòa Kính)

1. Harmony of dwelling together (Thân hòa đồng trú)

2. Harmony of speech (Khẩu hòa vô tranh) 

3. Harmony of views (Ý hòa đồng duyệt)

4. Harmony of discipline and study (Giới hòa đồng tu)

5. Harmony of shared benefits (Lợi hòa đồng quân) 

6. Harmony of discussion (Kiến hòa đồng giải)

The person responsible to carry on his teachings after his death

Who is Ca Diếp, the Master of the Flames?


Cite all 7 Buddhas or Boddhisattava

Who are

1.Nam Mô Bổn Sư Thích Ca Mâu Ni Phật

2. Nam Mô A-Di-Đà Phật

3. Nam-Mô Đương Lai Hạ Sanh Di-Lặc Tôn


4.Nam Mô Văn Thù Sư Lợi Bồ Tát

5. Nam Mô Đại Hạnh Phổ Hiền Bồ Tát

6. Nam Mô Đại Bi Quan Thế Âm Bồ Tát

7. Nam Mô Linh Sơn Hội Thượng Phật Bồ



The Buddhas or Boddhisattava that represents wisdom (Trί Huệ)

Who is Nam Mô Văn Thù Sư Lợi Bồ Tát


All Eight-Fold Pathes 

What are

1. Right Understanding (Chánh Kiến)

2. Right Thought (Chánh Tư Duy)

3. Right Speech (Chánh Ngữ)

4. Right Action (Chánh Nghiệp)

5. Right Livelihood (Chánh Mạng)

6. Right Effort (Chánh Tinh Tấn)

7. Right Mindfulness (Chánh Niệm) 

8. Right Meditation (Chánh Định)


Four assistant methods (Bốn Nhiếp Pháp) 

What are

1. Giving alms (Bố-thí)

2. Friendly speech (Ái ngữ)

3. Benefit of Actions (Lợi hành)

4. Collaboration (Đồng sự)