How many quadrants are on the Medicine Wheel?
Can you name 3 emotions?
Happy, Sad, Anger, Excited, Tired, Bored, Confused, Scared
True or False: Music affects the way you feel
You go out to recess to play but no one wants to play with you. You ask some kids but they say no. What would you do?
Take some deep breaths, find someone else to play with, ask the other student's why they do not want to play with you and try to problem solve, find a different game, reach out to an adult for help
Emotional, Mental, Physical, Spirtutal
What is a coping tool that can be used to help you when faced with a challenge?
Deep breathing, Six second pause, Smudging, Going outside, Exercise, Quiet space, Affirmations, Self-Care
True or False: You can't have more than one emotion at once
False: You can have several emotions and they can change throughout the day
You go to a store with a friend and see that they put an item in their pocket and left the store without paying. What would you do?
Talk to them about what happened, tell them how that made you feel, talk with an adult, pay for the item on their behalf
What four colours are on the Medicine Wheel?
Red, Yellow, White, Black
What are the four colours used in Zones of Regulation?
Green, Blue, Yellow, Red
True or False: Tobacco is one of the sacred medicines
You are in a group chat on social media, and your friends are saying mean things to another peer in the group chat. You get a private message from a friend who gets upset with you for not participating in the name calling. What do you do?
Six second pause, deep breathing, turn of your device, talk with an adult, let them know how you feel, check in on the person who was being put down