How many legs does an insect have?
Name 3 insect body parts
Head, Thorax, and Abdomen
What does a worker bee or ant do?
Gather food,create wax rooms, take care of the babies, etc.
What is an Ecosystem?
Where a bug can get the things it needs.
What colors can ants be?
Black, Red,Brown, or Yellow
How many legs does a spider have?
Name the 2 body parts of a spider
Head and Thorax
What does a queen bee or ant do ?
Lay eggs
Name 2 things that are in an ecosystem
Animals, Plants, Water, Air, Soil, etc.
Are butterfly wings symmetrical ?
How many body parts does a spider have?
Name a body part that some insects have
Wings and Antennae
What does a drone and or bee do?
Mate with the queen
What does a beetle eat?
Aphids and Plants
Where could a lady bug live?
Trees, flowers, or under leafs
How many body parts does an insect have?
Name an insect with a proboscis
What does every bug have in common with one another?
They all have female bugs to lay eggs
What is something that all insects need?
Water, air and food
What helps a spider kill its prey?
Venom in their fangs
How many legs does a millipede have?
How many legs does a centipede have?
750 legs
100 legs
Name what spiders make to catch their food
Name the body part of the bee that helps protect them
Spider web
What happens if a millipede or centipede looses its legs?
They can grow them back!
What could eat a spider?
Frog, Toad, Bird, Wasps, other spiders
How does a bee smell?
With its antennae