How many siblings does Sydney have?
What is Reese’s full name?
Reese Quinn Busby
What is Khloes favorite hobby?
Who is Jeremiahs top 5 fav people?
What is avery’s zodiac sign?
What is Sydney’s favorite song
Come as you are - Nirvana
What is Reese’s favorite color?
What was Khloes favorite situationship?
What is something Jeremiah can’t live without?
Food OR my bugs
Who is avery’s favorite youtuber?
What is sydney’s favorite thing that she loves about her self?
Her eyes
What is Reeses favorite nickname?
Reesey pieces
Where does Khloe wanna live when she grows up?
What is Jeremiah’s favorite place to travel
Tennessee because Oli is the only 10 i see 🤓
What are Avery’s top 3 movies?
The fantastic Mr. Fox, IT, & Interstellar
What is sydney’s favorite book
A good girls guide to murder
What is Reeses most traumatic experience?
Almost going absolutely blind?
What are Khloe top 2 songs?
Caesar & CU Girl - Steve Lacy
How many children does Jeremiah want when he grows up?
What is Averys unpopular opinion?
Michael Jordan is overhyped
What is Sydney’s perfect ideal date?
A picnic then watching the stars in the back of a pickup truck
What is Reese’s biggest phobia?
What is the biggest lesson that Khloe has learned?
”If you always let people step on you, then you’ll never be happy.” -KNM
What is Jeremiahs dream job
Doctor or a Architect
What is the last song that Avery listened to
Cupid - Jack Staubler